06: henry

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My phone that I'm trying to ignore won't stop ringing. I don't feel like getting yelled at for how today went with Mira and Stacey. It wasn't a complete disaster, but I was still an asshole. I probably should talk to Mirabelle tomorrow and apologize because she didn't deserve my shitty attitude. It's not her fault I put myself in a situation where I needed a PR boost.

"Fuck, if you aren't going to answer the phone will you at least look and see who is calling you? I'm sick of listening to it ring," Wilson says, casting me a glance from where he's sprawled out on the other end of the couch.

"It's on vibrate," I smart back. He's probably right though. I should check it.

"Just because it's on vibrate doesn't mean you can't still hear it, Price." He flips me off while turning to focus back on the Braves game.

I roll my eyes and flip the phone over just as it stops vibrating. Five missed calls from Sebastian Walker.

I sit up abruptly, running a hand through my hair. What the fuck did Mira say to him about today?

I run through a quick mental list of every interaction I had with her. I wasn't mean to her in the weight room when she was with Stacey, but I wasn't necessarily nice either. I did give her my shirt after Quinn fucking soaked her other one. I didn't feel the need to point out that her bra was showing through. She probably already knew but I felt bad so I gave her mine. I cracked a few jokes with her but I know I was standoffish for the most part.

I hit his contact to call him back, waiting to hear what my death sentence is going to be for being a dick to his only daughter.

He answers quickly, "Finally, I've been trying to get ahold of you the last twenty minutes."

"I'm sorry Bash, I know I was a dick to Mira today. I'll call and apologize," I blurt out before he can chew my ass out. The last thing I need is to have Aunt Thalia rip me a new one. She's fucking terrifying when she's pissed; thankfully it's never been directed at me.

"Wait what?"

Oh shit.

I just dug my own grave.

I stumble over my words trying to backtrack but Sebastian interrupts me. "For fuck's sake Henry if you hurt her, I'll...just never mind, that's not important right now. I need you to go to the house to check on Mira. Lia and I are on our way now but we're still an hour out."

A wave of fear washes over me. "What's going on?"

"We don't know all the details yet, but there was a fire."

"Was she in the house?" I choke out, grabbing my keys while slipping into my shoes by the door.

"No. Thank god," He says softly and I get into my car.

"I'm on my way now. I'll stay with her." I promise, pulling out of the driveway so fast, I'm positive I left tire marks behind.

Bash lets out a long sigh, "Thanks Henry. I appreciate it, but don't think we aren't going to fucking talk about you being an ass to Mira later."

"I'll text if there's any updates."

I hang up and thankfully the Walker's house is less than ten minutes away since it's close to the stadium like mine.

I'm on the guest list for the neighborhood so I'm able to get to the house in record time. I see and smell the smoke before I get near the cul-de-sac their house sits in. Parking behind Mira's Audi, I get out of the car, leaving the door to my Corvette open as I search for her. She's next to a fire truck with a blanket wrapped around her shoulders as she stares blankly at their house.

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