The Egg

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Nova was correct about the egg laying part. He laid the egg without effort. It was smaller than I thought. It was the size of a tiny chicken egg at first but grew to the size of a large ostrich egg. After it stopped growing, the shell changed to a pink iridescent color. I just stared at it.

"Does the color mean it's a girl?" I wanted to touch it.

"I don't know!" Nova chuckled. "I have no idea. Maybe? You should read that book!"

"We should! You should know this stuff, Nova! This is your culture!" I sighed. "I know that a human woman is pregnant for nine months give or take. You should know something!"

Nova laughed. "I never wanted to have children so I didn't need to know!"

I chuckled. "Fair enough." I gave in and touched the egg and felt something move. I gasped.

Nova was beside me. "What?"

"Touch it!"

Nova stared at it for the first time. It was on a nest of blankets that Nova made after he laid the egg. He hadn't really looked at it since and I was worried. He took his shaking hand and got close and pulled back. "Maybe later!" He turned and rushed from the room.

I sighed. "Don't worry baby, Your daddy is just scared. Your people aren't exactly cuddly with kids. We can change that." I smiled. I could feel him against the shell, if I could call it that. "Get some rest and grow. I'll be back, sweet pea." I walked out and closed the door. I had put a baby monitor in the room with a camera so I didn't miss a moment.

I found Nova watching the camera. "Hey, are you okay?"

Nova nodded. "I just.. What if he hates me?"

I laughed. "He will! Someday if we do it right, he will. Nova, do you know how many times Shaw told me he hated me?"

He shook his head.

"Thousands. I know he doesn't. I know that he loves me and our child in there already loves us! We will mess up because we're not perfect, Nova. I hate to tell you that." I smiled at his glare. I wrapped myself around him. "Just one moment at a time. Yeah?"

He inhaled. "Okay."

"Come on." I pulled Nova back to the nursery and closed the door. I took his hands and placed them on the egg. I was really worried that Fae didn't have a natural loving instinct for their children but all of that worry ended when I saw his face.

"Our baby!" Nova chuckled. "I feel him!" He put both of his hands on the outside and kissed the egg. "Baby. this is your daddy, I love you!"

I was a melting crying mess and he wasn't hatched yet. I covered my mouth as tears fell. Nova wrapped around me and comforted me as he talked to the baby.

I woke up late in the morning to find Nova in the nursery giving the baby a concert. I just sat and laughed. All my worries completely faded. "So, we are having a few people over to meet our egg. I wanted Shaw and Shade to come. Is.. that okay?"

Nova smiled between songs. "Yes. Elias and Celeste. She will swoon!"

"Keith will love it. And I have to invite Gerald because he will come anyway." The alpha was always invited to everything.

"Agreed." I smiled at my family.

"We are never doing this again!" Nova glared at me.

"What? I didn't say anything!" I shrugged and looked offended.

We had food for everyone and showed them the egg. Shaw was beside himself as he touched it and talked to it.

"You are such a woman, Aunt Shaw!" I teased.

"Shut up! You are having a baby!" Shaw was in tears and hugged me. "I just never saw you having one after raising me!"

"I know!" I laughed. "I thought that Nova should experience the horror also!"

Shaw laughed and nodded. "Such a nightmare!" He took his sleeping daughter from his husband and rocked her. "She is perfect, Joe."

I kissed her cheek. "I know." I slipped into baby talk mode. "Because she is my niece, isn't that right?" I smiled at Tianshi's sleeping face.

Keith was all motherly over the egg too. He touched it and talked to the baby. I called him Aunt Keith and he asked if that was his title. He didn't catch the joke.

Poor Aunt Keith.

He was a proud aunt. Werewolves had parents but not nieces and nephews. They were all caretakers of the children without any title. They were a tight knit family.

Gerald smiled at his mate who cooed all over the egg. "Joe, congratulations. So, how is Novus doing?"

I laughed. "He's okay. We are living moment to moment so that he doesn't freak out."

"I see." He chuckled. "He should spend a day at our house. We have more kids than adults at times!!"

It was true. Werewolves were all about family and no one cared whose kids were whose. Kids just ran amok and everyone looked after all of them. I loved it there. It was a crazy mess but it was fun. We spent Thanksgiving at the pack house even though Nova never knew what to do with the kids.

Celeste cried, kissed us both and kissed the egg a thousand times while talking to it. Elias chuckled at his wife as he talked to the egg while no one was looking. He called himself grandpa. I almost lost it.

Shade smiled at the egg while Shaw was talking to it. Between Shaw, Celeste and Keith, no one else could get close. I just loved this. My family. 

Thanks for reading!!

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