Moving Day

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I heard my door open and close and a body slid in beside me. Shade. It was dark but I knew this was my man. I just rolled over as he put his face in my neck. "Good night, Love."

I sighed. "Night, Shade." I kissed his shoulder. His hand moved to my chin and adjusted my face and his lips touched mine. I was so happy to just kiss him. He wrapped his body around mine and I drifted off to sleep.

The knock on my door woke me. I was still wrapped up in Shade as the door opened. Joe was there. This would be interesting. Shade normally slept with me but he was gone before my alarm went off so Joe never knew. Not this morning.

"Didn't know you were having a sleepover." Joe glared at us.

I sighed. "Morning. Happy moving day and nothing happened. We slept."

Slade kissed my neck and turned to Joe. "I swear nothing happened. We're not ready for that, Joe. I just wanted to help with the move and say thanks for the phone." He rolled out of bed and pulled me up with him. My move was not as graceful.

Joe watched us with accusing eyes. "Okay. I'm trusting you, Shade. That is my little brother, you better take care of him!"

I rolled my eyes. There was a list of ways he took care of me. Joe couldn't know. "He does. He even fastens my seat belt in the car!"

Shade smiled. "I do. And I open all of his doors." He was proud. "He's mine so I treat him with care, Joe."

I elbowed Shade. That sounded very controlling and maybe it was? I wasn't sure. Joe didn't know about the absolute thing or the engaged thing. I barely knew about that and I was sure I didn't understand it. At all.

"Let's get things loaded!" I was ready to get out of this room.

"Breakfast first." Shade smiled. "I'm cooking." He rushed to the kitchen and pulled out eggs and bacon (not the cheap mostly fat bacon either). This was the meaty bacon.

Shade began stirring pancake mix as I went to the bathroom and washed my face and used my toothbrush for the last time in this bathroom. It was packed now as I walked to the kitchen.

"Need help?" I stood close to Shade and wrapped my arms around him.

Shade sighed. "What kind of eggs do you like?"

"Omelettes!" Joe and I said at the same time.

"We like omelettes! You?" I sighed and leaned into Shade.

"I love them too." Shade leaned into me as he turned the bacon.

"Where did this come from?" Joe stared. Our fridge was empty last night. Actually there was nothing in it at all.

Shade smiled at the pancakes he was flipping. "I brought things last night. I wanted to make breakfast for you guys. And Joe, I have to get to know you because I will be hanging around."

I nodded. "Right. Joe, we never really talked but are you okay with this... me and him?" We never discussed being gay or anything. We never talked about being straight for that matter.

Joe nodded. "I'm fine, Shaw. Mom asked me once about two years ago if I thought you were gay." He shrugged. "She thought you were. She won the bet I made with her." He smiled.

I stared at him. "Mom knew before I did!"

Joe chuckled. "She did."

"She was smart." I sighed.

"Can you set the table?" Shade turned to me. "And I'm sorry that you lost your mom." He kissed me softly.

"Thanks, Shade." I looked into his pretty dark eyes. "Thanks." I felt much calmer around him.

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