Brand New Me

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I woke up to someone next to me, snuggling. I kept my eyes closed but felt a kiss on my neck and a growl. I moaned. "Shade." I opened my eyes and they landed on Shade's smiling face. It was a great gift so early in the morning.

"Husband." Shade smiled.

I smiled. "Husband." I melted. "Love me!"

Shade rolled onto me and smiled a sharp smile and mine matched his. "With pleasure. A lot of pleasure!" I was not disappointed.

Our shower went back to normal and Shade washed me and dried my body off. To be fair, I washed him too. We both got dressed and walked down to the kitchen. I fed off of Shade during sex but I was hungry for human food. I didn't eat any food yesterday and neither did Shade. This was normal and felt amazing. We both had our favorite yogurt cereal as Joe stumbled down the stairs.

"You're eating cereal?" Joe poured coffee that Shade made. I realized that Shade took care of Joe also. I loved that vampire.

"Yes. I may be new but I'm still me. I still have to eat." I smiled at Joe. It was my normal human smile. He hadn't seen me as a vampire yet and I wouldn't do that until he asked. If he ever asked.

Breakfast was peaceful and so was the weekend. Now, it was back to school.

I was a little nervous when we walked into the school building. Shade held my hand. Gabriella greeted us with a couple of her friends and a hug and a squeal. She squealed. "Did I lie? Was it fun?" She wiggled her eyebrows.

I laughed. "You didn't lie. Grabriella, I had a great time, thanks. Now, we are going to be late." I walked to my locker and there was silence. I froze and turned. Every vampire and werewolf was watching me. Shit. I hate that. "What?" I whispered to Shade.

Shade chuckled as he watched them. He was all smiles. "Get on with it!"

A banner was produced from nowhere that said congratulations, balloons fell and confetti was falling from everywhere and everyone was cheering. I was bright red. That hadn't changed. I covered my face and laughed.

Shade wrapped around me and kissed my head. "Surprise?"

I just laughed and looked at him. "I hate you!"

Shade just kissed me. "I know it. Come on. Thanks, everyone. I love it!" We got a lot of pats on the back and hugs from random people.

"This school is so weird!" I pointed out with a smile. But I loved this school.

We walked into the first class and the teacher was there. Mrs. Randell. "Welcome. Hope everyone's weekend was nice. Shade, Shaw, Congratulations are in order. I heard the good news. Care to show us?" She smiled at me.

I blushed. "I'm good."

The whole class groaned even some werewolves. "Just once?" She smiled. Her eyes were blue.

"Just once!" I was still blushing but I looked at Shade. It was easier when I first watched him. His teeth lengthened and he growled. I got goosebumps and flashed my teeth at him. He smiled.

"Baby, you are gorgeous!" Shade chuckled. "Okay, shows over. We came here to learn."

I looked at the class and chuckled. "I learn, he sleeps or something."

Shade elbowed me as we made it to our desks. It was true though. He was a straight A student that never paid any attention.

I totally ignored anything that happened that day. My mind wouldn't let me pay attention. I was eighteen, finishing my junior year of high school and I was married. How was Joe okay with this? Oh, and I almost forgot the weirdest detail, I'm a new vampire and my husband is a vampire.

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