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The place was amazing. There was a woman sitting at a baby grand just playing away as we walked in. The music filtered through the building. We walked to a table on the second floor. It was a balcony seat. Okay? Never in my life. I just sat like an idiot as Shade ordered for us. He ordered an appetizer too. An h'orderve.

Oysters in a half shell. "I have never had these!" Rich people ate these.

Shade smiled at my expression because I know I looked like a homeless person that never saw a real meal. We never did. "These are my favorites. Eat."

I watched him first because I had no idea how to eat them. He picked up a shell and sucked the oyster out. He set the shell back on the plate. I followed him.

"Just swallow it. I know you can handle that." Shade winked at me and I turned a bright red. Fire engines were put to shame. I looked down.

"Sorry, my love. Please. Try it." Shade said as I felt his hand pull my face up. "Never be ashamed of what we do. It was beautiful." He kissed my mouth. "Now eat."

I felt like such a girl. I didn't know if I was being rewarded for the events that took place. Was I becoming a kept boy? Maybe. I picked up the shell and tried not to judge it. I sucked it in and swallowed it. It was tasty and my stomach wanted more. I took another and moaned as I ate it.

"You like it?" Shade looked pleased.

"Yes. They are delicious." I smiled. I think I smiled because I pleased him. I wanted to please him. Damn. "Shade?"

Shade sucked an oyster down. "Love?"

"What are we?" I had to ask. I was so confused.

"Friends." Shade smiled. "Love, we are going slow. I wanted to take you out on a date too. I want to romance you and date you. Earn your love."

I stared. "But love just happens. I don't want you to earn it. You can't buy love, Shade. Can we just get to know each other and see what happens?" Was I talking too much?

"You know, make things simple. Real. I want it to be real. Plus, What can I do to earn love from you? I can't buy you things and I don't want to feel like I owe you. I don't want to owe you and do things just as repayment. That isn't love either."

Shade thought about what Shaw was saying and perhaps he was right. He took a breath. This human was much more complicated than he imagined and he loved the challenge.

"I like it when you talk, you make me think and work harder." He watched me smile and he smiled. "You're right. Okay. But you have the last three." He nodded at the oysters. I obeyed him because I wanted to.

"I only took those because I wanted them!" I reassured him and me. "Can we compromise?"

Shade smiled. "Of course. What did you have in mind?"

I held the last oyster for Shade to have. Shade let me hold it as he put his lips to it and sucked it in. I inhaled because that was sexy somehow.

"Well, I'm not sure but no more..." I looked around. "Biting! And I don't require things. Okay? I already like you. Clearly. Also, if I didn't like you, Shade...I wouldn't be here with you. None of that money matters to me. I am happy with what I have and I know it's nothing. I know. But I have Joe." I sighed.

Shade nodded. "Okay. Here is what you can do for me. Let me spoil you."

I groaned. "No! I can't repay..."

"I don't want you to. I want to buy things for you. Spend money on you. I want to love you." Shade stopped. "Sorry. This mate thing is messing with me."

"Okay. That is the other thing. What is that? The mate thing?" I stared at him as someone came and took the oyster plate. They refilled out drinks and someone else brought lunch. This was new too. Great.

"Oscietre Gran Cru." The woman announced as she set our plates down. I just stared at mine. I had no idea what she just said. She was gone.

"What is this?" I stared at my plate like it was going to get up and dance.

Shade chuckled. Repeated the words just to make me glare. All I knew was that he was just adorable. "It's sturgeon. Eat." He cut his up and took a bite and closed his eyes.

I followed and put a piece in my mouth. Holy balls! It just melted on my tongue. Mac and cheese didn't do that! I opened my eyes, no idea I closed them. No food made me close my eyes before. My experience with food was small. Minuscule, I have a feeling. I looked at Shade and he was staring at me.


Shade smiled. "I love your face." His eyes went to my plate. "Good, right?"

"So good." I smiled at Shade's dark eyes. "Shade, this is really the best meal I have ever had but it's not.."

"I know it's not necessary but...I wanted to. I want to take you to places and show you things. It's part of who I am!" Shade smiled like he was ready to eat me.

I shifted in my chair. "Eat!" I blushed. He made me so nervous. I finished my food and was sad that it was gone. "So, if I were to repay you...how much was this meal?"

Shade laughed. "I would never take your money, Love. It was four hundred." His eyes watched me for a reaction.

I stared with a look of shock. "Four hundred dollars?"

Shade chuckled. "Yes."

"But that..."

"A piece. Per plate." Shade was entertained.

"What? But...Our grocery bill for three months isn't four hundred dollars!" I stared.

"I know. We are changing that too!" Shade looked at me with this expression of determination? Maybe.

"No! No way. I am not letting you..." I was cut off.

A woman brought our bill and Shade smiled at her and handed her his card. She was gone.

"You are not...paying for me, Shade!" I stared.

"I will and I can. Four hundred is nothing for me!" Shade watched me fidget. "I want to."

I melted at his gaze. "Really? I have no power to stand up to you!"

"It's because you are my mate, Love. I'm very dominant." He took my hand as his eyes flashed blue for a second as our skin touched.

I got goosebumps everywhere and my lower extremity was way too happy to participate in this conversation. I was really trying to think of anything that didn't turn me on. Anything. Bunions, old men, old ladies. Foot fungus. Rotten fruit. Molding cheese. Anything. Babies and diapers. It was starting to work.

"What are you doing?" Slade chuckled.

"What?" I opened my eyes.

"You look constipated!" He laughed.

I blushed, of course. We all knew that was coming. I covered my face and laughed with him. The woman brought back his card and he signed the receipt and she walked off. I dropped my hands and sighed. "I was thinking of things to turn me off. If you know what I mean."

Shade smiled. "Really!" His eyes traveled to the table like he was staring through it right at my crotch. The next thing I know, we are heading for the bathroom. It was a single bathroom. He pulled me in and locked the door. He pushed me to the wall and took my pants to my ankles. His mouth was on my very hard...right. Brain was melted.

Five minutes. It took five minutes tops. He unlocked the door and we walked to the exit like nothing happened. Nothing to see here. Nothing just happened in that bathroom. My melted brain was left on the floor there. Hope they can find a use for it, I couldn't. Clearly.

I hope you enjoy reading this story. Vote and comment. Thanks!

Change Of LuckOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz