Not Today

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I crawled home very late and the alarm blasted way too early. "Turn that blasted thing off, Joseph! You are taking today off and your boss is on vacation. Sleep!"

I had no idea where that voice was coming from but I knew who it was. Nova? Nova was in my room? I turned off my alarm and I rolled over and stared. Nova was not only in my room but in my bed. I must have looked horrified.

"It wasn't like that so calm down. Go to sleep, Joseph." Nova pulled me down and wrapped his arms around me as he trapped me to the bed against his body. His very muscled and unclothed body. "Sleep. You deserve it. You work six days a week. Sleep."

His scent was overwhelmingly comfortable. I wanted to get up and go to work but I smelled him as he touched me and I just couldn't find the will to get up. I shifted closer to him and my eyes closed. "I have so much to do!" Sleep took me over.

A knock on my door woke me. "Yeah?" I was so groggy but I could still feel arms around me. I realized that I was just in my boxer briefs. I couldn't remember taking my clothes off at all.

The door creaked open and Shaw was there. "Are you okay? You're home early and I just wanted to check on you."

I sighed. "I was just tired. Long night and..."

The voice behind me startled me. "He's fabulous. We went out for drinks and he is getting much deserved rest. You must be Shaw." His head was propped on the pillow.

I blushed.

Shaw's expression was priceless. "Uh..." He clearly didn't know what to say or do.

I sighed. "It's not what it looks like. It was just a night of drinks."

Nova chuckled. "And dancing. Don't forget that. It was the most fun I have had in ages! I demanded that he get some rest."

"Uh?..." Shaw was speechless and just closed the door.

I stumbled down the stairs at four in the afternoon. I never did that. I walked to the coffeepot and poured a mug and got one for Nova. I sat at the table and waited.

I watched Nova waltz into the room looking fresh and awake and I handed him his mug. "Joseph, are all humans this kind?" He took a sip.

I chuckled. "A vampire made it. Shade keeps me caffeinated. You have to thank him."

Nova sat beside me. "I would much rather thank you, Joseph." He breathed into my ear. He waved his hand and a feast appeared. It wasn't some crappy layout either. Crystal glasses and goblets, silver and pretty china. Candles that were already lit. This was pretty.

"Whoa!" I stared. Classy of me. It just came out. "Nova! This is amazing." I picked up a goblet and smelled it. Strawberry. I took a tentative sip. "Is this strawberry quik?"

Nova smiled. "Yes. You told me last night that you loved it so here it is." He kissed my cheek as Shaw and Shade walked in.

"Nova, this is my brother, Shade Isadore and his husband Shaw Isadore." I smiled at Shaw.

Shaw glared at me. "Hey, I'm your brother!"

"You woke me and Shade made me coffee!" I chuckled and looked at Nova. "Shaw is my biological brother."

Nova smiled at them. "Vampires. Oh! You must be Elias' son. Yes?"

Shade nodded. "I am. Shaw is new. We got married a month ago and my mom is planning a huge wedding." He took a breath. "I just have to say that I am a HUGE fan!"

Shaw chuckled. "We both are and if you have time could Shade get your autograph?"

Shade was pale and I knew that was a vampire's way of blushing. I laughed. I got to dance with that hot Fae. Hell, I woke up in the same bed too. I rubbed my face as I blushed. What in the hell was I thinking? "So, Nova, how long are you staying here?"

Nova sighed as he signed a picture for Shade. "I'm not sure. I just needed a break. It's tough to find sanctuary."

"I'm sorry to hear that. I've never been famous so I don't know how you feel." I sighed.

"Thank you for your honesty, Joseph." Nova picked up a basket of bread, smelled the bread then pushed it to me. "Eat."

I looked up at Shaw and he chuckled. I glared and he mouthed the word Joseph. No one called me that. If it was anyone else, I would have put a stop to it but I kind of loved it coming from Nova.

I kept my mouth shut and drank my Quik. This was so nice. I did send a glare to my brother. I knew he was going to corner me later and get answers.

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