Nice Ride

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I was standing at the curb waiting for my brother, who was late! Great. I sat on the wall. Waiting.

Kids were almost all gone now and teachers were beginning to leave. I'm still on the wall. Waiting. I can't call because we don't have cell phones. I began walking down the road or I would be late for work.

A car stopped and honked. "Need a ride, Sexy!"

I knew that voice as my body covered itself in goosebumps. "Shade?"

"Hop in."

I hear the door unlock. "I'm just going to walk. Thanks. I don't want to trouble anyone."

"Don't be silly. Get in. Where to?" Shade wasn't stopping... or leaving.


"Work? Ew!" Shade made a face.

"I have bills to pay, Shade!" I almost lost it and yelled at Shade. I stormed up the street and the car followed me. He honked. I ignored him. I hear the brakes and tires squeal.

Arms were around me. "Get in." He shoved me into his car and put a seat belt on me. He rushed around and hopped in. We were moving. He picked me up like a doll. He was strong and taller than me. It was appealing.

"Where to?" Shade didn't seem upset.

"Uh, you really don't have to!" I sighed.

"You are stubborn. Learn to accept help, Shaw. Will you? I want to help and not out of pity."

"Okay." I sighed. "It's like two miles from town."

"Oh! Hanks! I love them. I took my baby there and they were great to her! Weren't they sweetie." He talked to his car. I found this very cute. Charming.

It was a nice car. And when I say nice, I mean it was the car of my dreams! A BMW Z4 Roadster. Classy car. Very expensive. The ride was smooth. Not like our old truck. His car had nothing in common with our crappy truck. I had a huge crush on his car.

"What happened to your ride?" Shade asked.

"Don't know." I sighed. "My brother probably got stuck at work."

"He didn't call?"

"Nope. We don't have cell phones." I was waiting for it.

Shade gasped. "Oh, you poor thing!" He stopped. "I didn't mean poor..."

I shook my head. "I know what you meant. Thanks. I really am fine and I could have walked." I said that as drops of rain began to fall. Two miles in the rain would have been fun. "Thanks."

Shade just started laughing. It was a hard belly laugh. "You don't have good luck, do you?"

I shook my head and smiled at my lap.

"You should look up more. You really are just beautiful. Shaw." Shade stated as he pulled into the parking lot of Hanks.

I had no idea what to say. "Thanks for the ride." I jumped out and rushed to the shop in the rain like the coward I was.

Thanks for reading and I hope you enjoy!

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