I Am Yours

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My wedding was fucking amazing. Celeste decorated or she was in charge at the least. I was breathless when I saw the church building.

It was tough to describe but there were hanging flowers everywhere. The outside was brought inside. I couldn't see the ceiling because it was covered in flowers and greenery that I didn't recognize.

Purple, blue and yellow flowers hung from the ceiling greenery, purple and blue flowers lined the walls and the aisle in pillars, floor to ceiling.

I was pretty sure I saw a couple of yellow birds flying around the ceiling too. There was lights inside the plants and flowers. I thought I saw one of the twinkle lights move but I wasn't asking.

Shaw walked me down the aisle past every kind of person. Vampire, human, werewolves and Fae. It was amazing. My vampire brother walked me, a human, down the aisle to my Faerie husband to give me away. The minister was a werewolf. It was beautiful in ways that I never expected and can't describe.

It was a Fae/human mixed ceremony. Celeste used elements of Fae and human traditions. I held Nova's hand as a silver beaded necklace was laced around our joined hand and wrist. It symbolized a bond that was invisible. We drank from a silver goblet, first him then me and said our vows to one another.

Nova went first of course. "Joseph, from the moment we met I knew you were my future. I was right." He shrugged and smiled.

I glared at him. "Really? That's it!"

Nova chuckled. "I have more but I'm saving it for later!" He whispered that part just for me and I'm sure that the vampires could catch it.

I laughed. "Okay. Well, Novus...I worked really hard on mine so I'm just going to say it all! My first instinct when I met you said run away and I tried. I avoided you like the plague." I took a breath.

"But you are stubborn to a fault and wouldn't take no for an answer, twice." I glared at him. "I found that under all of... that.." I gestured to him. I chuckled and he laughed.

"There is this man that I just fell in love with, heart and soul. I couldn't even fight it. I love you. All of you and I can't even pretend to understand it. I am yours." I shrugged.

I heard everyone say aww in the audience.

Nova smiled and squeezed my hand. We exchanged rings. The minister said the usual human vows that we repeated. The 'Do you take this man'... part. We repeated our parts and he said... "Now you may kiss your mate." Werewolves have mates but here we were.

I looked at Nova and smiled as he smiled. I knew I had to kiss him. I leaned into him and our lips touched. I wanted to remember every second of this kiss.

No tongue. We parted and the minister introduced us as Mr. Novus and Joseph Blacklocks. Guess I was taking his last name.

We danced slow dances and fast dances, sang and laughed all night. There was food and drinks and cake. Nova couldn't eat it but I assured him that it was delicious. I talked to his band a little more. I only met them briefly at the awards in which we were drinking.

There was two other members and they were really kind.

Billy Coston and Sarah Kindles, both Fae without magic, I found out. Billy was the drummer and Sarah was the piano and backup vocals.

They had their significant others there also, one was human and the other was a vampire. I got hugs from them and welcomed into the family. It was sweet.

We did the wedding photos and the whole thing. I danced a slow dance with Celeste. "I have to say that this is a wonderful party, Celeste!"

She smiled. "You are part of my family, Joe. You know that, right?"

I stared at her. "Don't make me cry!"

She laughed. "Okay but this was my gift to you to show you how much we love you. Elias and I. You are like a son to us."

I smiled and cleared my throat. "Thanks." I hardly knew her but I knew that they were connected, her and Elias. She felt for me what he felt for me. Vampires. "I feel the same way."

Her smile beamed at me. "Good! After the honeymoon, we better see you on a regular basis!"

I laughed. "You will! I had to promise a weekly family night with Shaw and Shade. Shade made me pinky swear and I'm still working for Elias so I will be around!"

Celeste laughed. "Wonderful. I think I hogged too much of you." She nodded her head and I looked. Nova was waiting with his crazy Mohawk with silvery tips. She kissed my cheek and walked into Elias' arms.

Nova wrapped around me and kissed me. "Hey."

"Hi. How are you?" I smiled.

"Beyond happy." Nova smiled at me. "The rest of my speech, I will tell you later. It involves a lot of moaning." He nibbled my ear.

I closed my eyes at the ecstasy that he caused. His touch was amazing. "I can't wait!" We both chuckled and just held on to each other.

"I have to tell you that I bought you a car." Nova whispered to me. "It's a Mini Cooper and it's perfect for you. Are you mad?"

I was shocked. "I'm shocked. You really bought me a car?"

"I really bought you a car. Yes. As a wedding present and saying that also means that I don't want a thing back from you. Sex. You can pay with sex. Okay?" Nova smiled at me. "I wanted to and nothing more and I don't expect things from you and I know how you are going to get with the whole human response. You are not required to get me anything. I just got to marry you. Clear?"

I just laughed. "Nova!" I kissed his mouth and moaned on the dance floor. At the end of the party, I threw my bouquet and people cheered as he got into the cutest car. I waved as I drove off.

We drove away in a cute burgundy Mini Cooper that Shaw and Shade decorated. Nova let me drive it to the house. We used a gateway to get to a secluded beach for our honeymoon. There was a lot of moaning.

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