Steve was pretty sure he zoned out. That or he fell asleep. Maybe it was the pain medicine? He wasn't sure. He just remembered nobody but Janet and Koji were there then, everyone was there. He decided to sit up so he could talk to them normally. That was when it was discovered. He couldn't move or feel his legs. His breathing picked up. He couldn't sit up properly. "I can't feel my legs. Why can't I feel my legs?" 

He felt somebody hug him. He couldn't breathe. What was happening? Somebody was talking but he couldn't hear them. He felt hands on his cheeks. "Steve. Look at me man. Look at me. Breathe." It was Ellum. He instinctively grabbed Ellum's wrists. 

"Just focus on me okay? Everything is going to be alright. Calm down." Ellum spoke. It wasn't the most comforting words but it worked. He eventually was calm enough for the news to be delivered to him. Ellum had helped Steve sit up the rest of the way. 

"Steve, the doctor said you got shot in the spine. You are paralyzed." Hafu spoke. 

His world felt like it came crashing down. What was he going to do? He couldn't walk? Oh god. What about hiking? Taking LittleFoot to the dog park. Driving? He wasn't going to be able to do anything. He stared at his useless legs. What was the point in having them now? For show? He wanted to die. What was the point? So he gave a small smile. He knew they all knew it was fake. He didn't care. 

They all left that night. Well, Janet stayed. She said that everyone else needed rest. It took a little bit but she eventually got them to agree. Steve felt numb. He wasn't happy. He felt like he was living in a nightmare. Janet had gotten the okay from the doctors to get him cafeteria food. She had brought him a sandwich and some V8 juice. He ate it with no complaint. The sandwich was a little dry but the tomatoes on it helped. The V8 Janet claimed was more healthy for him to drink. The doctors had given him more medicine to help with the pain. 

A doctor even came in to talk to him about the paralysis. He was tested to see if he was partially or completely paralyzed. Of course it had to be completely paralyzed. The doctor mentioned something about building up his upper body strength. He wasn't really interested in it. He still didn't even know how long he was out for. The doctor brought up pain medicine and that did pull his attention. Since he was going to be there a few days they would start him on a medicine and see if it works. 

The next few days went by faster than he thought they would. He had to invest in a wheelchair, until they could get one he had to stay with somebody. That wasn't embarrassing at all. They could use the hospital's wheelchair out to the car. A doctor would be pushing to ensure that they got the chair back. Steve had to get dressed and it was not easy. He couldn't do it alone. He felt humiliated, he had to ask for help. He had sent all his friends out of his room. Who could he ask that wouldn't judge him? Who wouldn't laugh at him? What was he to do? 

He couldn't ask Koji, Ellum, or DK because of the situation between them. He felt weird asking the girls since well, they are girls. That left, 5up and Apollo. 5up would be very kind about it, but something about him, his size, told Steve that he wasn't the best choice. That left Apollo. He swallowed his pride and he called for him. Knowing he was right outside the door. "Apollo. Could you come in here?" 

The door opened and in came the man, a look of concern on his face. The door was shut and the humiliation came crashing down again. "I can't...could you...get dressed?" He trampled over his words. This was the most embarrassing thing that has ever happened to him. Nothing could top this. Dumbdog seemed to have no issues helping, as he walked over and carefully helped Steve. 

To Steve's relief DumbDog never mentioned why he was called into the room to the others. Everytime it was asked he said it was between him and Steve. It was only asked once but still. It meant the world to him. Next step was to find a way to bring up what he heard when he was in the coma. He must have zoned out again or something. He was home before he knew it. He looked at the house, this wasn't his home. She must have sensed his confusion because Janet spoke up. "We are at my place because it is a little more wheelchair accessible. And well it is cleaner than your place." 

He couldn't argue on that. How was he getting inside? He unbuckled himself and he tried to find the words. Before he could his door was opened and he felt an arm going around his waist. He was lifted up. It was a little weird because he couldn't register the arm under his legs. All of his pain was centered in his back. How Ellum was able to carry him, he had no idea. He was carried inside and he was put on the couch. A temporary placement, they had told him. 

Something crossed his mind as he was sitting there. Where were Janet's roommates? He knew she lived with Poki and Rae. Were they not home? Did they know about this? "Janet?" He called out. 

"Yes, Steve?" She replied from in the kitchen. 

"Where are your roommates? Do they even know?" He asked. 

The door opened before Janet responded. All this perfect timing shit seemed so unreal. In came, speak of the devils, Rae and Poki. They had something. "We are home!" Rae called out. 

"Hey Steve! We brought you something." Poki said and she moved from in front of Rae showing LittleFoot. They brought him his dog. He was beyond thankful. He was handed his dog and he held him close. He could tell LittleFoot missed him just as much. 

((A/N: This is where I came to realize that I am going to need to make this a book or something. I am almost at 2,000 words. I have so much more to write. I literally have done like nothing with the ship. My god.)) 

He was eventually brought into the guest bedroom downstairs. He took his medicine and went to bed. He was exhausted. He didn't know that pain could do that. Sleep was luring him in. He had LittleFoot against his side and he let himself sleep.

A/N:  Okay, so would you guys read this if I made it a book instead of trying to make it all into a couple of oneshots? I feel like this is going to be a needed book.

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