Revenge For Ray/Ch.12

Start from the beginning

"I cannot let your destruction reach Earth!" He yelled out loudly before rocketing towards me with his spear outstretched directly at my face. The speed he moved at was surprising but still readable so I just swiftly dodge to the side as he then flies right past me.


The sudden feeling of something cold and solid wrapping around my neck got me to let out a small yell of surprise and turn my head to see that the man's spears now had a glowing yellow chain coming out of it. I then felt a large force slam into my back and bring me down onto a large floating piece of the asteroid that I had just destroyed. Before I could even get a chance to destroy the chain on my neck and get up, more and more of the links began to rain down from his spear and secure different limbs and then eventually my entire body to the rock.

I tried, again and again, to break free but for whatever reason, the chains seemed to be sapping my energy more and more and would very obviously soon leave me powerless. Knowing this, I decided to go for one final attempt that would hopefully ward this man off and also give my other part an idea of where I am.

Breathing in deeply, I proceed to let out the loudest most ear-piercing screech I physically could. It was so loud in fact that I could feel my own vocal cords getting torn to shreds in the process but the pain is definitely worth it based on the man screaming in reaction. Just out of the corner of my vision, I then see him with an extremely pained face fleeing back the way he came with blood pouring out of both of his ears.

Smiling at 'winning' the battle, I feel my eyes start to droop as the energy draining from the chains catches up to me and soon enough fall into a deep sleep.

-Flashback End-

That brought me back to where I was now. Staring into a light of hope surrounded by a sea of darkness. It had been like this for years at this point and not much had really changed besides the humans taking their first baby steps into space. I thought I was doomed to stare into this light until my other part found me but luck seemed to me on my side. Time flew by before something new finally happened.

It took a few years for me to realize but I had started very faintly feeling someone else's emotions. I could feel that it was coming through the corruption inside me which meant that the only thing in this world that could be making me feel these things would be my other part.

I then started feeling a whole new set of emotions come through. It was a warm, happy, and very pleasant feeling that seemed to radiate throughout my whole body despite how faint it was. I was happy for my sister (Which I recently learned) and despite not being there myself I wondered if I could ever experience such emotions as well.

All was well and I found myself content for the time being. That's when her emotions seemed to do a sudden full turn around. The love and warmth seemed to vanish in an instant and instead turn into a wave of pure unbridled anger and desire for destruction that even got me a little fired up as well.

'I hope you come for me soon.....' I think to myself as I let the new wave of feeling wash over me



Despite not really needing to avoid the spear of light I knew was coming towards my back, I decided at that moment that I don't want to worry Ray at all so I swiftly dodge the incoming projectile and watch uninterested as it sails past us and lands some ways down the hill.

Not even a few seconds later, two figures with large black feathered wings exit the treeline and begin to walk towards us. One was a man wearing some sort of suit and fedora while the other was a blonde-haired girl wearing what looked to be a maid outfit.

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