The Beginning For Two/Prologue

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A vast neverending and always changing galactic canvas that houses an innumerable amount of stars, planets, and other massive cosmic entities.

Of course, with an immeasurable amount of possibilities for life to exist out there, it's no surprise that complex life would eventually rise up. The first planet to house such a thing was a small planet of blues and greens that resided in the Orion Arm within the Milky Way. This planet started out with microscopic organisms on the ocean's floor but over the course of around four billion years, those specks evolved and the planet was now inhabited by a very large number of 'intelligent' mammals known as humans.

The intelligent species of humans became curious about the expanse of space around them so when the technology to go beyond Earth came around, they were eager to see what lied in wait. They got one of their own to a moon orbiting the planet and even ended up landing a man on the surface of their planet neighbor Mars.

Mars had the highest chance of having any sort of life on it so you could imagine the human's reactions to there not being a speck of anything but rock and dust. This got them thinking that they may in fact be the only life in the solar system and even beyond due to their very lucky placement of the planet was.

This was the belief for years but little did they know was that there was definitely another living thing out there.

700 million light-years away from earth, Symbolizing Mystery itself, laid the Boötes Void. This place was an enormous spherical region in space that has very few amounts of galaxies and other celestial objects. It was just seen as an odd phenomenon by the humans, but there was something much worse at foot. Those other galaxies with their planets and stars didn't just disappear and die out randomly after all.


A planet gives out its last shuddering breaths as its forcibly ripped apart from its own core. Out of the center of this now-dead planet comes a massive swirling mass of purple flesh and smoke that seems to be breaking apart and tainting anything it touches on the way out. Turning rocks purple and releasing out a dense purple fog in the cracks that now littered the surface of the planet.

This swirling mass of destruction was known as The Corruption and it would be accurate to call it the current oldest living thing the universe had ever seen; coming into existence soon after the very first stars and planets begun to appear.

At its beginning though, it had no sort of intelligence or awareness of its surroundings. For billions of years in the void, all it did was enter a planet or star, embed itself deep into the core, and then tear the said body apart from the inside. It was brutally effective and even gave most of the energy from the planet or star to the Corruption once it was done being destroyed. The corruption gained this raw energy and in turn, was able to keep going with its destruction and grow stronger.

The Corruption had never failed to bring a planet or star to its knees but that was all about to change one fateful day.


Presenting itself in front of the Corruption was an unbelievably large star. A star so big that it must have been larger than all of the stars the Corruption had consumed in the past combined, not to mention the sheer energy that the star was radiating was ridiculous.

The Corruption, metaphorically salivating at the prospect of consuming something so powerful, began the process that it had done so many times before and injected itself to the very core of the massive star. At first, all was well with the process until the star started reacting violently to the foreign invader.

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