Chapter 45: House of Cards

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Author pov

It was a busy day at office. Y/n was dead tired and frustrated after all the meetings and managing stuffs. As she got out of the office, she did not felt like going home. She needs some space alone. So she decided to go to a park and take a walk, having some alone time. So as decided, Y/n walked out of the office, inside her car and then towards her favourite park.
After arriving there, she parked her car and got inside the park. As soon as she entered the park, a wave of fresh breeze hit her face.

She breathed the fresh air and sighed. Her life's being very tough with her lately. After Sang and Chol came to her, she felt what is the hardship of a single mother. Her children always ask her about their Papa. But she has no answer in return.
Now they are calling an unknown person their father, who Y/n doubts if she ever knew. San and Wooyoung just kept quiet that day after coming back. They didn't said anything to Y/n. They just said, "We need some more information about the guy before any confirmation." [which was a big fat lie.]

She walked through the park, suddenly she ran into someone. She backed out and looked at the person she ran into. It was a unknown man. The man yelled at her, "CAN'T YOU SEE AND WALK?HUH?"
Y/n just flinched at that outburst but composed herself and faced the man. She snapped back, "If you continue to shout like this then I have to shove a sock in your mouth. So Shut up."
The man smirked and pushed her by her chest. Y/n looked at the man glaring as if she's gonna kill him through her eyes. She told, "Don't touch me."

But again the man pushed her by her chest and came one step forward. Y/n could feel her blood boiling. She's already frustrated and angry and this is not helping a bit. She gritted her teeth and said, "Don't.Touch.Me." 
But again the man came to touch her, Y/n grabbed his hands, twisted it other way and then kicked him at his ribs. The man yelped and fell down. Within that moment Y/n pulled out the gun she always carried around because she never touches any of the snitches around.
She pointed the gun at him. The man looked at her with horror in his eyes. Y/n smirked at him and said, "What do you think all the girls are same weak and girly bitches? No man, you're wrong, girls can also carry guns around, kill people and torture them to hell. NOW RUN AWAY IF YOU WANT YOUR DEAR LIFE TO SEE TOMORROW'S SUN."

The man stumbled up and ran away. Y/n sighed and put the gun back in its place. She thought, "Aish, I just wanted to have some time alone but that bastard really has to ruin it all. Just f*ck it."
With that she walked away from the place. She can't believe she changed this much that she is scaring some bastard away.
Walking she came near a small pond in the park. She went near the pond and stood there looking at the water. She just kept her mind and feelings blank for now, zoning out while staring at the water. Suddenly she felt a tap on her shoulder. 

She flinched and turned around. She saw a face which made everything drain out of her. Yeosang..........

She backed a few steps because they were very close. Yeosang also backed a few steps, keeping a generous space between them. They stood there, all silent and awkward, not knowin how to converse. But Y/n cut it.
 "Hey, how are you?"
Yeosang looked at her and said, "I am fine, what about you?"
"Me too."
Y/n replied back.

Again silence fell within them. What can they talk about? In the past they used to talk about so many topics which were endless but today, its not the same anymore.
"You changed so much."

"I saw how you strangled that man who was harassing you. It reminded me of the past when I saved you that day. You were so weak and fragile and needed to be handled with care and protection, but now you're a powerful, self-confident, mature and full of dignity. You can now protect yourself and take care of yourself. I hope you have someone who is much more better that me and have a better life. I don't know its unforgivable for the deeds that I did in the past. I hurt you so much, broke you so much not knowing how much have you been through already. Forgive me Y/n and forget me. You deserve better. I don't know why am I telling you all these now, but I feel like you are not gonna be mine again, so just clearing everything."

His Fake Girlfriend---Ateez Kang Yeosang ffМесто, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя