Daughter Of Terror

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"I can see why you like her now."


Falling out of his deep mind of echoes, awoke by the cold air.

Wiping the sand from his eyes and the sky now grey, it seemed he was in safer hands, or unless Nina placed something on him or in, making him faint.

Staring around to see Nina beside him, asleep, her back against him with her purple fleece, misplaced.

"Strange.. Maybe I did pass out."

Feeling his pocket and then looking at her wrist for any show of time, spotting no watch but instead a big cut under her wrist, simply dressed with enough cover to hide it.

Pulling away as she awoke a bit, turning on her side to now face him.
"Evan, It's too early.."

Watching him smile and nod, thinking his passion was still the same between them, leaning in, giving her a kiss as she gladly took but in the end rejected him.

"Woah, easy there- save that for Jane if you can."

He looked confused and asked.
"But don't you remember the fight?"

Spotting her sleepiness to be missing, "Look. I'm just covering for her, and the fire was out, she felt sick and wanted to head home, there's no personal gain here, I saw no fight." Now pushing away a bit.

He sat up and looked around to find himself back at the campfire, no odd thing out of place, windy and dry with calm waves, the air was submerged as the sand, their conjoined bedrolls laid upon.

"Besides why would you even do that? Feeling confident in the mornings is that it?" Staring at him slightly annoyed.

"No.. I.. I was just confused, and.. I am sorry." Rubbing his eyes after spotting the rifle resting on the rock facing.


"I thought you still had been after me.. But.. I'm here, and the day didn't end like this last time."

Trying to get up but getting a hand on his own, "Wait.. You mean this day, today, you didn't expect it?"

Laying down again for her sake, "Well yes, I had to figure out what went wrong, John he.." Crushing his speech after her look of shock.

"Evan you dog, did you kiss me because you thought you were still in that trance thingy?"

"W-hat, no, I just got confused-"

"Oh Evan, what the hell, did we you know? For sure I'd say you did and knowing me I'd go along with it, I was in need of something like that yesterday."

''I didn't do anything!"

"Oh please, I hooked up with two guys and ruled the world when I had been given the chance to relive yesterday.. How long did you get?"

Adding to the fuel with some extra kerosene, "A day."

She went shy, "Your saying we spent a day fucking? That's alot of working hours-"

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