Almost Ideal

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"Not everything is as clear as it seems."

As if feeling everything at once, he woke up cold and numb, his throat extremely dry, eyes slightly burning up, his stomach keeping him awake rather than not getting up until twelve.

He rubbed away at his eyes as some light revealed the room and what it held what was once shrouded by darkness.

Coming to his senses, he sat up and looked over to see the stranger still sleeping, back turned, wrapped in blankets.

He was slightly jealous and was cold to the touch as a slight draft came in on him.

"Looking pretty fuckin cozy."

Evan just felt how numb his arms were, trying to hide the fact that he almost froze to death in his mind and got up exhausted.

He stared on and checked to find that it was still early, only reaching eight o'clock.

Creeping over to the stairs and then going up to the roof, he is greeted by a cold wind and traffic sounds.

The smell of salt water was picked up along the cyclone in the morning.

As he moves to the ledge, he saw a few people walking down below, cars buzzing along. The streets were packed.

"Shit.. rush hour is on.."

He then looked straight down over the ledge... Then a small voice came.

Converting his mind, making him think drastically, corruption forming inside.
He feels like being pressured.

Feeling himself leaning forward, a warm grasp against his shoulder yanked at him, the mission of survival.


Staring ahead with now that gaping hole of sorrow and pure emotion flushing him out, curling his hate into a frictionless blaze, watching as a few movements came to light.

She arose, rubbing her face and stretching out, feeding her hands under the pillow and past the mattress length, then staring across to find him wide awake and free, laying back down and with a sigh, addressing herself.

She arose, rubbing her face and stretching out, feeding her hands under the pillow and past the mattress length, then staring across to find him wide awake and free, laying back down and with a sigh, addressing herself

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-"You know you grind your teeth at night, and here I thought I was the creepy one."-

"Ugh... So what's the plan?" He asks while rubbing his nose.

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