The Last Trial

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-"Nice of you to join me again."-


Standing outside John's office, his jacket along the chair base, it was late, everyone was tired and out like a light, for most of them, their way of life was easier if the incentive was not there.

Watching only shadows move under and above the light from the fire place, bouncing off the cherry wood, timber and window panels, he felt bad for the woman that was still out cold, but her pulse stopped just when they got back, a minute late.

"Jesus that poor girl.."

Almost feeling responsible..

It wasn't right, but he tried to get there on time, feeling no ounce of sleep in him, noticing how the family cat had been laying on the couch, clawing at a toy as there was only a sound of a clock.

"This is all a mistake."

"Who's mistake?"

Then the torment...

-"You're A Mistake!"-

-"You are useless!"-


-"No Wonder Your Father Died!"-

-"You couldn't save him."-

-"Ezgi Would Be Alive!"-



"Take a breath."


Trying his best to react to the one voice that suddenly stood out, hoisting his manner high with some shallow thoughts as the voices stopped, staring at himself while if death was real, this was almost taboo, seeing what was really healthy.


What the

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What the.. who the hell are you?

It doesn't matter who I am or what I am, its more important to me than to you, to know that what you are doing is better than decided on nothing.

How did I get here, I was just home.

Again, you are asking the wrong questions, you will need to either stop, think and act, take control before someone else takes that control away from you.

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