The Recent Address

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"Memento Mori"


As the train stops he taps her shoulder, feeling her grip tighten tremendously as he winced a tiny amount.

"Hey, c'mon, is this is our stop?" He looks as she sits up looking around herself, rubbing her left eye,

"No. It's the one after, now just save your breath."

He sensed humour in that, feeling safe enough when she lies back down, picking his best move before breathing out.

"So do you mind if I ask a few questions?" Staring at the man who got on lately and sat across from them.


Keeping her eyes adrift and memories at a stage of comfort.

"Is this place your home, or like a family house?" Gripping the hilt of the pistol, staring at the man who only stared back menacingly,

"Its a group house, just stick with me and you'll be fine, I'll ease you in so you dont get killed on sight. Plus you might not being staying long." Taking his hand into her's, closing out her mind again.

-"Like I said earlier Evan, and I know you hate me for saying it, but it's highly unlikely of John letting you stay with us."-

"What do you mean?" Fiddling with his emotions as she was only digging in her elbow, past his left side.

-"I mean John might just hand you over to another faction, you've got alot of heat on your back, being a hot topic and all, it's either that or be sold off for the highest bidder."-

Tapping his arm like she was rather doing him a favour by telling him this. "Well that's comforting.."

-"Hey, this is our stop."-

Feeling the back of his hand with the tip of her thumb as he just sighs,

"Ok. We gotta go."

He follows her out of the train carrying they're stuff, as they go topside to the street, looking around, at first glance the street is nearly empty except for a few people walking around.

The sun shines down on them, "What do we do now?" He asks, getting led over to a bus corner and she sits down.

"We are nearly there. Don't worry." She smiles and gets a phone call. She looks at it and stands up walking away a bit and is out of earshot from him.

"Christ on a crutch.. What have I gotten myself into.."

Getting comfy, placing down her bag beside him and he drops his own.
He reaches around his back and pulls out the gun letting it lie against his lap and he looks at it. Taking a moment he admires it while waiting for Jane.

The thought of not ever firing a gun hit him as a major problem, but he wanted to learn.

"I need to find whoever this Mazikeen woman is, what she knew about Arthur's world of work."

-"Oye BigMan, What are you doing here?"-

Staring ahead to see a pair of familiar balaclavas and voices to go with, like an add on of terror, the only good thing he got out of seeing these two again, had Michael been with him now, they would end up losing their pay.

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