RPSL Chapter 26

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    Zhang Man returned home, and as soon as she entered the door, she heard Zhang Huifang on the phone in her room, supposedly calling one of her best friends.

    She recounted her story in an indignant tone, accompanied by occasional sobs.

    Zhang Man frowned. She had just watched her mother move a glass of wine with elegance and decisiveness to Zheng Zineng, and thought she didn’t take it to heart at all.

    But clearly, Zhang Huifang’s strong and proud nature makes it impossible for her to show her vulnerability in front of people, and she can only hold back her tears and cry at home.

    Zhang Man is a little worried, tiptoeing to the door of her room, she pressed against the door and listened to their conversations.

    On the other end of the phone is one of Zhang Huifang’s best friends, called Xu Yan, who used to be in a band with her, which Zhang Man has also met. Although Xu Yan didn’t pursue studies when she was young, and instead became a band member in a bar, her temperament was much quieter than Zhang Huifang. In her 20s, she married and gave birth to a child, and later changed her career to become an accountant, living a very good life.

    “Yan Yan, I really didn’t expect him to be this kind of person.”

    While dropping tears, Zhang Huifang pulled some tissues, and enabled the speaker mode on her phone for convenience, making the other side’s voice clear to Zhang Man.

    “AhTranslator's Note:They put Ah- (阿) in front of someone's name to express casualty and familiarity. It can also be used to create a nickname. Fang, no offense but you’re 35 this year, not 15! You’ve got several wrinkles at the corners of your eyes, so how come your vision still hasn’t grown? After all these years, how can you still be so quick to judge a book by its cover?”

    Xu Yan paused, and sighed: “But this time it’s really not your fault. That dog, Zheng Zineng, who usually acts like a human being, always has a smile on his face. I never thought he would be such a scum!”

    Zhang Huifang sobbed a few times and calmed down a little: “Yeah, I’ve been in contact with him for a while, and he has always acted like a gentleman.”

    She paused for a moment and her voice was much softer: “And… he clearly disclosed before… that he did not want children in the future. If I am with him, he will help me to take care of my Man Man in the future… As you know, I will never have another child since I already have Man Man. So I made up my mind this time. I thought I’d try it for a while, and if I could, I’d get married. I didn’t expect that he’s… Yan Yan, you don’t even know how humiliated I am today.”

    Xu Yan finished listening, and then suddenly thought of her last relationship that ended without a hitch, and took a deep breath: “You do not want children… so you broke up with Xu Shang? Is it because he insisted on having children after marriage? Xu Shang is an honest man who treats you well. He and his former wife have been divorced for so many years and have never looked for him, and they have no children. There is a lot of pressure in the family, so it is normal for him to want a child, isn’t it?”

    Zhang Huifang sounded a little anxious: “I know. Xu Shang is very good to me, and to be honest, I also like him very much, more than those boyfriends before, and he… is a very attractive man. But that can’t be helped, his mother is old and he must want a child, right? If he does… What about my Man Man?”

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