RPSL: Chapter 6

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In fact, that's what Li Wei believed. No matter what she wanted, she would be disappointed in the end. Rather than waiting until she was greatly disappointed and then blaming it back on him like those people in the past, it was better for her to stay away from him now.

Zhang Man understood what he was saying and understood that he was so distrustful of so-called emotions. He simply didn't believe that someone would be nice to him for no reason at all.

If she said now that she liked him, it would only make him more agitated.

She closed her eyes, pressed down the sourness in her heart, tried her best to pull out a relaxed smile and said the excuse she had thought of before: "I have one thing that I have been too embarrassed to say, worried that ...... it would be too much trouble for you. Li Wei, I heard them say that you are particularly good at Physics, I... am not too good with Physics, can you give me extra lessons every weekend? I can pay and in exchange and I can take care of you until your cast is removed."

Everything happened in a roundabout way, always repeating in a cycle. Zhang Man remembered that the two of them became familiar with each other in their previous lives because she had asked him to tutor her in physics, except that this life was a semester earlier.

She worried that the teenager wouldn't believe her, and gripped her fingers again, her voice very low, "I will be transferred to a regular class next semester if my grades are very poor."

After she said that, the young man in front of her was quiet for a moment and somewhat surprised, blinking his eyes, as if he hadn't expected such a reason.

He dropped his eyes in contemplation, and after a long time his slender fingers held the cup of sago from earlier and raised it to his mouth, taking a sip on the straw.

Her offer worked.

He was now living with a cast on his left hand and there were many inconveniences in his life, which sometimes he did need help with. Li Wei liked this kind of fair trade, where the give and take was calculated at the very beginning, and each took what they needed, without involving the most obnoxious feelings and without having to owe for anything.

The easiest thing to do is to make a clear-cut deal. Because it allows you to at least proactively gauge whether or not you can afford to give what the other person is asking for, and you'll be able to accept what she gives without being burdened.

The worst thing in the world is to say that because you like someone, you can do anything selflessly for them.

What's that like? What happens tomorrow if the feeling change? Am I going to... hell?


With that being said, he still didn't look at her and continued to open the next book. But Zhang Man could feel that he was in a better mood.


The next morning, Li Wei took out the signed apology letter from his bag and placed it on the top right corner of the desk, waiting for the first period to hand it over to the form teacher.

Zhang Man found that his mental state was very bad today, with heavy dark circles and red and blue veins in his eyes.

She sneaked a glance at the apology letter on the desk, and the parent's signature was signed in beautiful handwriting: '

'I have read it.' -Lin Hui

When she saw the name, her heart felt like it had been hit by a heavy hammer. After two lifetimes, seeing it with her own eyes again, she was still quite shocked. She bent down and pretended to be sleepy and yawned, then blinked away the tears that were trying to rush out.

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