Part 31: Engagement.

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Jean grabbed my hand and she looked at the ring. "Oh my! He actually did it!" She said excitedly and my face flushed. Lisa came over and she looked at the ring as well, "Aww how cute!" She teased.

I smiled and nodded. After he proposed we had talked about a couple things. We both agreed that is was best to keep it between us and some close friends, and so we did.

"Sooo, do you have an idea for the dress?" She asked and she had a big smile on her face. I laughed nervously, "We haven't gotten that far into details." I said. "Ooo~ perfect! Can Lisa and I help pick out the dress when you're ready?" Jean asked.

I smiled and nodded, "Of course!" I said. "Paimon too! Jeez!" Paimon said. We all laughed and I nodded, "You as well." I said. Even though Paimon stopped travelling with me, she still kept a close eye on me.


I started walking towards Mondstat's gate after work. "Lumine!!" Donna yelled and I looked at her. "Yes?" I said and I smiled a little. "Diluc came and told me something today. Is it true you guys are engaged?" She asked.

I nodded. Why would he tell her.. "He told me not to bother you anymore because you guys are engaged.. so I had to double check." She said. He told her so she would leave me alone... How sweet.

I laughed a little and she glared at me. "Anyways, I have to be off. Goodbye Donna." I said. I walked away and the guards said goodbye as I passed them. I started walking into the woods and it was extremely dark.

"Lumine!" Diluc yelled and it scared me. I turned around and I could tell I was shaking a bit. His eyes were wide when he looked at me. "Are you alright?!" He asked and he touched my cheek. I laughed nervously and I nodded.

"Yep.. heh, you kinda scared me that's all." I said. "I'm so sorry!" He said and he sighed. He played with the ring on my hand and he smiled. It was easy to tell that he was happy about me saying yes.

He didn't have his ring on, so it was only me who was giving hints to everyone. He didn't care at all, he said he would start wearing it, but he didn't want to lose at the Tavern or Winery.

Genshin Impact, Diluc x Lumine love story: Chapter 1Where stories live. Discover now