Part 24: He's Not Here.

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After Paimon and I finally got to Mondstat, Paimon instantly went to Jean and Jean smiled. She looked at me and I waved. She waved back and they walked away.

At the time Diluc was my only priority.. although he wasn't there. I walked up to some of the guards and they said hello. "Hi, uhm.. I was wondering if you've seen Diluc around here." I said.

"Oh, we haven't seen him in a while. He stopped coming by." One of the guards said. "Thank you." I said and I smiled. They nodded and I walked away. Maybe he's at the house..

I didn't know exactly where the house was so I couldn't go back.. I sighed and I sat by the entrance of Mondstat. He isn't here...

I closed my eyes and I dozed off a bit. I was really tired and I wanted to see Diluc.. but he wasn't here at home. It was really cold and it was really dark.

"Traveler?" I heard someone say. I looked up and the person was blurry. They picked me up and they sighed. "Shouldn't you be at home?" The person asked.

I nodded a little and they walked me towards somewhere. I couldn't tell and I just ignored it. Probably not a good idea but I was to tired to care. I heard a bit of chatter and then it went quiet.


When I woke up I was still by Mondstat's gate. I stood up and I felt so sore. My body ached and I assumed it was from me sleeping on the floor. It was still a little dark and I sighed.

I looked around and all the outside lights were still on. I leaned against the wall and I closed my eyes again. I didn't expect to fall asleep and I crossed my arms.

Genshin Impact, Diluc x Lumine love story: Chapter 1حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن