Part 19: Drowning In A Sea Of Emotions

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Diluc and I stayed like that for weeks.. He never really talked to me and he kept distance. After a while.. I decided to just stay in my room and I just slept.. for the most part.


"Lumine?... Open up." I heard Diluc say. I sat up quickly and then I lay back down. I didn't have anything to say to him.. he's been avoiding me for weeks and now he wants to talk?...

"Lumine.. please.." He said. I took a deep breath and I pulled the blanket over my head. I heard the door open and I stayed still. I forgot he had keys to all the rooms. He sat next to me and he stayed quiet.

I tried to keep my breaths steady.. so it made it seem like I was asleep. He reached over to where I was and he pulled the blanket off of me. It was cold.. not warm.

He pulled me to face him and I kept my eyes closed. "Lumine.. please look at me." He said. I shook my head and he sighed. He picked me up and he set me on the edge of the bed, so I was sitting on the edge.

He stood in front of me and I said nothing. He sighed, "I'm sorry.. that I haven't been talking to you... Honestly, after what happened, I didn't think I could face you." He said, his voice sounded shaky.

"I blame myself for what happened to you... I let them stay, even though I knew something bad would come out of it." He said. He put his hand on my cheek, "Please.. Lumine, talk to me. Or at least look at me." He said. I could tell I was hurting him.

But I was scared that if.. I opened my eyes, the tears would start. I opened my eyes a little and he looked blurry. "Lumine.." He mumbled and he pulled me into his chest. "You look so tired.." He whispered.

I closed my eyes and I had no reaction to his embrace. How was I supposed to react to him like this.. I'm exhausted and I have nothing to say. He pulled away from me a little and he had tears in his eyes.

"Lumine... I'm so sorry." He said. He picked me up again and he lay me down on our bed. He walked towards the door and I got up quickly and I grabbed his arm. "Dont go.. don't leave me.." I mumbled.

I sounded childish.. I could tell.. but I didn't want to be alone. He smiled a little and he wrapped his arms around me. "I won't.. I promise." He said

Everything that had happened.. made me feel like.. I was drowning in my own emotions.

Ahh.. good old sadness =]

Genshin Impact, Diluc x Lumine love story: Chapter 1Where stories live. Discover now