Part 5: Staying With Him.

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Before I get to the exciting Part 5, I do want to say that we do not get to see any of the characters' houses in the game, so this is kinda my own thoughts.


I sat by the door to the tavern and I looked at my hands. I had told Paimon to stay with Jean and the others, just in case. "Hey." Diluc said, peeking over my shoulder.

I jumped slightly and I looked at him. "So... Where to?" I asked, getting up. He began walking towards the gates of Mondstat and I followed behind. I had a feeling that it would be somewhere by the winery.


He stopped in front of a big house and he looked at me. "Here it is." He said and he opened the door. I walked inside it was very well furnished, he walked in after me and he shut the door.

He lead me upstairs to a room and he left me to relax. The room was very big and it was very nice. Paimon is gonna like this. This was going to be the first night that I would sleep on an actual bed.

I heard a light knock at the door and it opened a little, "Lumine?" Jean said, peaking her head in. I smiled and she walked in. "Thank Barbatos! I was scared he was going to do something!" She said, giving me a hug.

I laughed a little and Paimon looked around. "Well? Nice isn't it?" I said. She nodded.


It was a bit hard to sleep.. "You alright?" Diluc said, sitting down on the porch. I looked at him. I had already been outside.. and it was late, why is he up? "Yeah.. just, not used to it, I guess." I said, laughing a bit.

He nodded, "I get it. Paimon seems to be out of it." He said. I smiled and looked at the trees, "I'm glad, honestly it's been a pain having to sleep on the floor every night." I said and I laughed.

I heard a quiet shuffling, so I turned around. He pulled me into a hug and my breath caught in my throat. "I have a feeling you aren't sleeping well.. because your thinking of your brother." He said.

He isn't wrong.. It's been hard. The tears rolled down my cheeks and he stayed quiet.. he just stayed there and comforted me.

The day I'm supposed to enjoy with my brother.. will never be the same. "I'm sorry." He said. My breathing wasn't steady, and that was obvious. "I didn't mean to." He said, after I didn't say anything.

I shook my head and we just stood there.. his arms wrapped around me. It's been awhile since I felt that type of comfort, so it was nice.

Genshin Impact, Diluc x Lumine love story: Chapter 1Where stories live. Discover now