Part 21: Returning Home.

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I went into 'our' room and I looked around. Today.. we were leaving and we were going home. I heard the door open and Diluc wrapped his arms around my waist. I flinched a little and I looked at him.

He smiled and sighed, "We can always come back if you want." He said. I nodded a little and I closed my eyes. The place was beautiful.. but after what happened..

"I'm sorry.." He whispered. I shook my head and I smiled. "It's alright." I said. He pressed his lips to my cheek and he sighed. "Ready to go?" He asked.

I nodded and he sighed. "Alright." He said.


I walked through the gates of Mondstat and I started walking towards The Knights building. "Lumine!!" Paimon yelled and she grabbed my cheek. "Ow.. ow!" I yelled.

"You said you wouldn't be gone that long!" Paimon yelled. "What happened?! Are you okay?!" She said. I hesitated for a bit and nodded. I didn't want to worry her.

"What's all this commotion about- Lumine!!" Jean said and she hugged me. I laughed a little and smiled, "It was for a couple of weeks, it wasn't that long." I said.

Diluc stood behind me and he looked away. "You didn't do anything to her.. did you?" Jean said. I shook my head and I smiled, "He didn't do anything! Promise." I said. Well... Besides.. nevermind.

"I still can't believe you wanted to go on 'vacation' with this guy." Jean said and she looked at him. He glared at her and I laughed nervously, "Okay okay, let's not fight." I said.

"Well.. I'm gonna head home for the night." I said and I smiled. "Okay! Bye!" Paimon said. I looked at her and smiled, "Your staying with them?" I asked. She nodded and they went inside. I smiled a little and Diluc grabbed my hand.

We started walking out of Mondstat and I laughed nervously.


I went to my room and I stretched. It was nice being at home. Diluc didn't follow me and he went to his own bedroom. I lay on my bed and I close my eyes. It felt like I was gonna pass out.

The trip back home wasn't to long, but still. I heard the door open and the lights turned off. I sat up and Diluc put his hand on my cheek, "Go to sleep." He whispered and he pressed his lips to mine.

I wrapped my arms around his neck, he smiled and sighed. "Sleep Lumine.." He whispered and he put his hand on my head and he lay me down.

Genshin Impact, Diluc x Lumine love story: Chapter 1Where stories live. Discover now