"What in the world, Clementine—" Cassandra came to a halt in her speech when the window in the room abruptly shattered, and she felt the cold air rush in.

"What on Earth?!" Alcina got out of her chair.

Cassandra wrapped her arms around Clementine, feeling her warmth as she shivered from the cold. Clementine hugged her before stepping away from the window and into the dining hall's fireplace.

Daniela and Bela hid in the corner next to Alcina. Another gunshot was heard, and a bullet pierced the dining room's other window.

"Those bastards!" Alcina tightened her hands and gritted her teeth. "Bela, go to the safe room with your sisters and bring Clementine with you," she ordered.

"Come out via the kitchen, Clementine, and we'll meet in the hallway!" Bela remarked.

She obeyed Bela's commands by nodding her head. She and Cassandra exited the kitchen and encountered the other two outside the hallway.

"Let's get out of here before they find us," Daniela said, her hand in hers.

"They? Who are you referring to?" She inquired, her tone betraying her uncertainty.

"We'll explain later; for now, more walking and less talking!" Cassandra remarked.

The four of them hurriedly walked along the hallways, gunshots and shattered glass can be heard in the background as they walked.

Bela quipped, "I can already see mother's furious face."

The four of them continued walking until they came to a door that looked like a prisoner's door, with another door behind it with the Dimitrescus' golden insignia. Bela took two keys from her pocket, one of which was linked by a ring, and inserted it into the keyhole of the first door, which opened. She then took the other key and inserted it into the keyhole of the second door, which also opened.

"Come in," she said, motioning to the open door.

Cassandra was the first to enter, followed by Clementine, Daniela, and Bela, who then locked the door behind her.

"Finally! Peace!" As she laid on the bed, Daniela said.

Clementine scanned the room with her gaze. It was a large room with four beds; she believed the three beds belonged to the girls and the fourth, which was rather enormous, to Alcina. A television, bookshelves, and a little living room were also there, with another door at the other end of the space.

Bela remarked, "Welcome to our safety chamber."

"I had no idea you had such a room here in the castle."

Cassandra took a seat on the sofa. "Well, she thought having one would be a wonderful idea, especially while the serum for us is still in the works."

"Serum?" She cocked her head.

"We haven't told you, have we? Our grandma, Mother Miranda, is working on a serum for us with her laboratory colleague. It's a serum that will allow us to have flesh instead of bugs for the first time." Daniela expressed her thoughts.

Clementine smiled and nodded. "Wait, wait. How those gunshots outside? Your mother is alone down there!" She said suddenly remembering Alcina.

Bela burst up laughing. "Clemy, mother is perfectly capable of handling it; it's not like she can die from a bullet or knife."

Her brow furrowed. "What do you mean when you say she can't be killed by a bullet or a knife?"

With smirks on their faces, the three glanced at her.

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