03. When You Suddenly Became a Survivor

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And because that's soya bean, she also invented tofu in secret. Only the scouts knew.

It was a cold chilling night. The boiling pot of sheep stew (that they came across outside the wall) is still cooking. Y/n chopped some herbs she could recognize outside. At least it would enhance the flavor and scent.

"My, my, Y/n. Are you sure you're only doing titan research, and not a research about food?" Hange asked, running her arms around the youngers waist.

Y/n shrugged, keeping her stoic face. But is dying inside fangirling over Hange's skinship. "I just knew." She responded. "Are you done frying?"

"Yeah. The tofu's ready. The stew is what we're waiting for."

"Alright." Y/n mixed the stew carefully before hitting the pot. It made a clinging sound that resonated in the air making the soldiers cheer for the food.

"Okay, now line up!" Hange announced.

Preparing their bowl, the weary soldiers lined up while the two served the food.

When everyone were finally given their share, Y/n also took hers and began to dig in. Joining the commander's table.

"Y/n." Erwin called out.

E/c eyes looked up at Erwin while she sipped her soup. "Yes, sir?"

"Have you ever thought of making your own squad?" He asked.

"No." If that happens, she didn't know where she'll be stationed and the probability of her saving Isabelle and Farlan will get slimmer.

"I'm sure you're going to be a great leader if you do."

"I'm still inexperienced."

"I see you lack confidence."

She is experienced. She just didn't want Erwin to have reason to push her more into becoming the squad leader.

"I prefer staying up front."

"Well, I guess we'll have to postpone the creation of the elite squad."  Erwin chuckled.

Y/n hummed. "It's hard to find talents, y'know."

The night flew by. The 27th expedition has finally came to an end. Everyone prepared the departure before the dawn as a kickstart from titans who were still immobilized by the evening.

"Everyone, we're going back!" The commander announced.

Their subordinates fired a flare and so, the scouts had turned.

Today, only five people died in the front. Eversince Y/n decided that she'll join the frontier, she told herself that she did it to help out eliminate those that she could eliminate.


The wall has always been too peaceful... or not really.

Y/n was making her way to the scout office carrying a bulk of papers in hand. As soon as she reached the door, she knocked.

"Commander. I have papers from the headquarters." She called out.

From the inside of the office, she heard Erwin's stern reply. "Come in."

So Y/n did. Turning the knob open, she entered the door and entered. Making her way towards his table and putting another bulk in his pile of works.

"Oh, yeah. I have here a letter from the MPs." She grabbed the letter from her jacket and gave it separately to Erwin.

Standing there, Y/n watched as he opened the letter. His eyes read through it and suddenly, he smiled. The girl frowned at him in confusion.

He didn't like the MPs so why was he smiling like that?

"It seems that we're going to have an additional member in the scouts." He said.

The girl blinked twice still confused. But deep down, she was screaming in anticipation that this is it!

"Tomorrow, we're going to capture some thugs." He said.

Oh shit! Y/n somersaulted mentally in excitement. After six years of being there in that world, she's finally going to meet Levi.

But of course, she kept her stoic image. "Thugs?" She asked softly.

"Apparently, the MPs are having a hard time capturing three people. They are quite expert in stolen maneuver gears and using it, they steal from the merchants." He explained.

The girl hummed. "MPs are overestimating them." She said pretending to be uninterested. Omg! Omg! Levi Heichou, we're coming for you!

"We can't be too sure." Erwin replied.

"Alright. I'll call Mike's squad." She said.

The commander smiled. Satisfied that Y/n knew who exactly to call for.

"Remember that you're going too. You're going to test if they are worth saving." Erwin said.

Y/n paused and eyed him seriously as usual. You need my opinion, father(she sees him as father figure)?! Aww~ I know you're going to take them in no matter what I say anyways.

"I guess it's for us to find out tomorrow then." She shrugged.

"Well then. You're dismissed."

Y/n gave a short salute before leaving.

When the day was over, the girl had immediately plopped her head on her pillows with a nonexistent scream. She wanted to, but since this is a shared room, she couldn't.

It was finally time. Three years in the scouting regiment and it's finally the moment she's been waiting for!

"Y/n!" Hange jumped to her bed in the upper bunk. Y/n nearly jumped from shock as she turned to the woman lying beside her.

"Let's sleep together!" Without hesitation to spare, she was knocked beside the girl who was about to decline.

She declines because obviously, Hange wouldn't care and would still sleep with her. Y/n fangirled in her head again before sleeping as well.

They had a big plan ahead and she needs all energy she needed because it's gunna be the first meeting with Levi Heichou!

With that in mind, Y/n was knocked out as well. The horse travel from head quarters to office was a bit tiresome so she allowed sleep to take over.

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