Part 10: Birthday Surprise & Exam Results

Start from the beginning

"Okay guys, I will leave now, will meet you later" Sean said getting up and heading towards cabin.

"Okay, now tell me what you guys desperately trying to hide" I asked folding my arms.

Everyone is looking at me as if they have been caught for some crime, my gaze fall on Ace and he was smirking, and lord was he looking hot, hell yes.

"It is Sean's Birthday this weekend, we need to plan an surprise for him" Keith said.

Okay now I got why they were behaving like this. I nodded acknowledging whatever Keith said.

"So you thought coming to cafe where he works is best idea to discuss on this" I asked them.

"Yeah where will meet than, we all are always together, so we thought that once he's busy with he's work we could discuss on this and plan something" Ryan said.

"So now what should we plan, camping, party, a vacation?" Lily started stating options.

"Let's go for a mini vacation" Reva stated.

"Yup he's a beach person" Keith said.

"Okay than let's go to our Beach house" Ryan suggested looking at Reva and Luke, I think they have been to that house.

"Yeah, that will be great it is hardly 45 min drive" Luke said.

"Okay than its planned we are going for an vacation at Ryan and Reva's beach house this weekend" Ace concluded and everyone agreed.

It's Saturday, 10:30 am. Everyone is at their journey to beach house. This time me, Lily, Ace and Luke are together in Ace's car, Josh, Keith, Liam, Sean in Liam's car and Ryan and Reva together in there car leading the way for others towards there beach house.

We reached around 11:30 am to our destination. Once I stepped out of the car, a magnificent house came into my view. The house was quite big, which could easily accompany 12-15 people at once. It had coconut trees around it which gave it rich look. There is private beach area joined at the back side of the house. The beach was clean, beautiful and serene. As it is a private property, no ones there except us at the beach.

Ryan and Reva showed us our rooms to freshen up and change in our beach outfits. Once we were done, we all headed towards the beach. All boys went for swimming. While we girls just decided to sit on the sand and chitchat for a while. While doing so, my gaze fall on Ace, did I said earlier how hot he looks, well it is nothing compared to what he's looking right now with all damp hair, bare shiny chest under sun, with all that six packs, as I was admiring his beauty, his gaze fall on me, we stared for few seconds and a smirk appeared on his face, it was getting intense so I diverted my gaze towards what Lily's trying to say.

A few minutes later,

"Hey, let's play Volleyball" Liam suggested.

"That's a great idea" Reva joined in.

"Okay, let's bring the ball" Lily said getting up.

We all played for around an hour. Later went to prepare some barbecue and had lunch, it was delicious. Reva, Keith, Josh and Sean took the responsibility of cooking while others started cleaning and setting up table for lunch at the beach side. After our meal we took few hours of nap.

I woke up to see it is dark outside, I could see Lily's still asleep beside me on the bed. I got up and went to the giant window which had an spectacular view of ocean, well currently it's dark outside, you could see stars with bright lit moon and hear calming sound of waves. I saw at the clock hanging on the wall, it's 7:15 pm, well we slept for almost 3 hours. I went to attached washroom, freshen up and came back to wake Lily. She lazily got up and went to washroom. I could hear knock on our door I opened it to reveal its Reva.

At around 8 pm we girls went downstairs to see what guys are doing. They were at beach drinking and chitchatting. When we reach near them,

"Finally you guys are up, thank god, I thought we would need to drown you girls, to wake you up" Sean said pointing at us. While rest boys were nodding and smiling at the same time.

"Oh please we are here to enjoy, have fun and relax" Reva retorted.

"Yeah have fun and not only to sleep" Ryan teased.

Reva just teased him by showing tongue. I have to say, this twins are cute. We all sat beside boys and our chitchatting more precisely teasing continued further.

At around 10 pm we had our dinner and currently all seated in the large living room watching movie. Movie was about to end and the day too, as it' is almost midnight. Keith, Liam, me and Lily went to prep for birthday celebration which consisted of cake with lit candles, poppers, spray cans, balloons etc.

Movie ended exactly at 12 am and four of us bought the cake in the living room where our birthday boy seated with rest of the group. As soon as we entered we all unanimously started wishing Sean, which took him by surprise, I guess he was not expecting it at all, well it was an surprise and we made sure that everything we planned should be kept hidden from him till it is time for revelation. He cut the cake, we sang birthday song, smacked cake on each other's faces, champagne was popped and everyone cheered and enjoyed till early morning. The birthday was well spent. We returned Sunday evening.

Everyone is rushing towards the notice board. Well it's Thursday and it's been almost three weeks we celebrated Sean's birthday. Today results are out. I was very nervous, especially for chemistry subject. We all went to see our results, I could see Ace, Liam and Josh were also looking for there results. Once I reached the notice board, almost struggling among the pool of students to reach, I searched for my seat no. it said Pass, with 357/500 standing at fourth position among first years. The topper scored 365/500.

"Ava, I passed the semester" Lily came to me smiling.

She saw my scores,

"You passed too, with fourth position, congratulations girl" she added, I thanked her and wished her the same.

Currently we all sitting at canteen and of course the hot topic is results. I am very happy to see everyone in our group passed the respective semester. Ace scored really good standing among top three candidates at third position. No wonder he is so famous, he is good in sports as well as in studies. I am proud of him.

"Well Ava, you would have been among top three, if it's not for the fact that you are little weak in chemistry" Ryan said looking at me.

"Yeah, I saw the difference between yours and third rankers final score, its mere 2 marks" Keith said.

Everyone nodded agreeing what Ryan and Keith said. Well I agree too, the least marks I scored is in the chemistry while, maximum in human anatomy. I'll have to work on chemistry in every semester as this subject is there in each year, getting intense and deep as the year progresses.

As we were enjoying our lunch when all of sudden Julia came and directly went to Ace, saying how he is so good in studies and sports. She started flattering him with batted eyes,

"Ace, baby why don't you tutor me, sadly I have got two KT's this semester, please it will be a great help" she said with sad tone.

"Sorry, but I am busy" Ace said.

"But you are already tutoring this girl than why not me" she said pointing her finger towards me.

"Well she is smart and has issues with only one subject and her name is Ava" Sean said bit irritated. I looked at him, surprised but a smile made its way on my lips and I thanked him for standing for me.

She was taken aback by Sean's response and took few seconds to process what he exactly said.

"See Julia, Prof. Moore told me to tutor Ava and as Sean said she is smart and it is easier to explain her the concepts, besides I can't tutor you cause I am busy with my football practice and studies and I can't go for an another round of tutoring other than for my friends. I hope it is clear to you now" Ace said keeping his face straight.

Everyone was shocked to see the way Ace talking with Julia. The expression on Julia's face was priceless. She left to her minions with defeated and embarrassed face.

Thank you 😊

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