Chapter 4: Dinner

Start from the beginning

I slip inside as a few people come out the main doors, and find that the place is actually fairly busy. There are people sitting and drinking their coffees at several tables, others stand waiting in line to place their order, and several more waiting at the counter for their drinks.

I stand awkwardly to the side, searching the nametags of the passing employees for one that says 'Desiree'. Finally, I spot someone with a name starting with 'D' on the nametag, and I see it belongs to a girl with strawberry blonde hair and a big smile on her face as she sets down several coffees onto a nearby table of people.

"Excuse me!" I call out before I remember I'm not even in line.

But no matter, her head whips around to look at me from where she stands. A curious look graces her delicate features before she comes over to me. It's then that I don't know how to start this conversation without sounding truly weird.

"Uh, hi. I'm Holly...River told me to find you so I could get something nice for dinner tonight?" I hope she has some kind of clue as to what I'm talking about.

By the smile that flashes at me, I sigh a breath of relief as I know that she must. "Right! Yeah, Alpha River did tell me you'd be coming by--you were so quick! Let me grab Maddison to cover for me, I'll be one second!" she says with another smile. She turns away to go slip behind the main counter and enters a back room.

She re-emerges with a girl following close behind her, her striking black hair catching my attention, and they exchange a few words together before Desiree leaves her side. When she does, Desiree all but tears off her apron off and hangs it on a hook situated next to a swinging door that says 'STAFF ONLY' in large gold lettering.

"My room is upstairs, so come with me." She takes my hand which I don't anticipate, and before I can say anything, I'm being pulled through the crowds of people to a small corner of the café. Desiree opens and leads us through an unassuming and plain looking door.

We step through and then we're suddenly climbing up a staircase. Desiree is happily bounding up, her hand now gone from mine, and I have a hard time matching her enthusiastic pace.

"This is the kitchen and all that, but that's boring. Mom and I are upstairs here," she says, rounding a corner before I can really take in whatever she's talking about, before we set off to climb yet another set of stairs.

"Oh, okay." I say, not able to think of anything else.

We enter into a small room with a double bed and dresser crammed into it.

"This is Mom's, I'm through here." Desiree explains, and I have no time to really look at the room before I'm standing in another.

This room is just slightly larger than the other, and examples of Desiree's apparent vibrant personality is woven in through the bright blue walls and leopard print throw pillows.

She releases my hand. "Now, Alpha River said something nice right? Well...Let's see." She stands back and sizes me up. "We're the same build roughly, but your height might make some of my stuff a little shorter." she giggles before spinning around and opening a closet.

"It's okay, I just need something presentable." I say easily, not wanting to make this new—dare I say— friend of mine go through any more trouble than necessary.

Desiree scoffs with her back to me. "Really, you don't know how much I love playing dress up with other people. You're like my perfect pretty blank canvas." She smiles as she turns back to face me.

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