Out Of Control

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Stephen stepped through the portal he had created and came to stand on the side of what would appear to anyone else and uninteresting road. To him though he could sense the magic permeating off it and knew he was in the right place. For the last three weeks he had sensed that something was off, then it had come to his attention via Tony Stark and the avengers that Wanda was off their radar, they had thought she was staying at her apartment but when it was last checked she was no longer there.

So it had been logical to assume that whatever it was disrupting the flow of magic and time was linked to Wanda's apparent disappearance. Stephen had started looking into it straight away and after a short amount of investigating that is when he had picked up the anomaly. A small town in New Jersey, that was where it had led him. Arriving there, Stephen knew he was definitely in the right place, what surprised him though is he sensed another magic there, it was faint and well hidden beneath Wanda's but there nonetheless.

Walking down the road he found himself met by a welcome sign for the town, West View. He paid it little attention as he was distracted by the sudden explosions that made the Hex field around the town shudder with the impact. The sky was darkening and there were swirls of red and purple energy ricocheting off one another, sometimes missing and slamming into the Hex field. Stephen closed his eyes to concentrate, using his own magic to create a momentary split in the hex for him to be able to pass through, it was unpleasant and Wanda's magic fought him the whole way through.

On the other side Stephen gasped for air as he made it through, he had known Wanda for only a short amount of time previously and he had never known her power to be so strong. Whatever was happening here was an event that was of epic consequence. As he looked up, Stephen picked out two figures high above the town, they were engaged in a stand off, magic against magic. Using his own powers Stephen carried himself at speed across the town, taking himself closer to where the fight was taking place. Things looked like they were spiralling out of control there.

As he got closer, Stephen noticed that Wanda was tiring or at least it appeared that way. Her skin was pale on her face but what caught his attention was one of her hands was turning a mottled black as she fought the other woman. He needed to get to her before she got worse. As Stephen lifted himself from the ground, trying to reach the two women, Wanda tilted her head noticing him. She sent out a crashing wave of power that he didn't have time to counter and Stephen found himself being forced back down to the ground.

Confused he looked around and saw that there was someone else being held back by Wanda's magic. It took him a moment but Stephen realised it was Y/N but that couldn't be possible, he had heard about what had happened at the Hyrda facility, this couldn't be right. Concentrating Stephen reached out with his magic and began to investigate the complex web that Wanda had weaved through the town. He couldn't believe that Wanda had pulled this entire town and it's people into such an intricate illusion, it was far beyond what he had ever seen her do with the avengers.

His attention was immediately drawn back to Wanda though as he felt a shift in the energy around her. Looking up Stephen watched as Wanda revealed a number of runes around her, he couldn't make out what she said but what happened next was something Stephen had never expected to see. Wanda changed, she became someone different but still herself, her outfit shifted and as she revealed herself the other woman looked shocked and scared. Then within a few moments Wanda had reversed the situation and now the other woman had lost the fight.

Stephen managed to remove himself from Wanda's grip as she landed back in the middle of the town square, she was distracted from paying attention to him. He glanced back at where Y/N was, she was already making her way over to Wanda, running across the grass to reach her. Stephen started walking over, he was certain that the Y/N he was looking at was just a part of this world Wanda had created.

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