Basic Part 1

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The doctor grabbed the emergency medkit from the wall and told the Commander "Set her down here and tell me what happened." He did as he was asked and gently placed her on the cot. She moaned in pain as the doctor started scanning her, while Chakotay told him what happened. The doctor moved to behind the Captain's head, and told Tom to help the commander to get her Jacket and turtleneck off. He nodded and warned her "Okay Captain, we're going to have to sit up for a sec. It might hurt." She nodded and they pulled her up. Tom undid the front of her jacket, and they both pulled it down her shoulders. Chakotay then undid the back of the turtleneck cover and pulled it away from her shoulder, but Tom took over and told her "I have to pull it away from the wound captain. Try not to move much, again." She rasped " it." He followed her orders and slowly began pulling it off. She squeezed Chakotay's hand and bit her lip.

Once it was off, everyone could see the wound clear as day through the cut in her tank top. Tom quickly yelled to the doctor and said "Doc! you might want to take a look at this!" He quickly moved back around to see what had Tom so stunned. When he took one look he quickly jumped into action. "Captain, I need to repair the damage but I can't do it here. We need to figure out a way to get you to sickbay." She started closing her eyes and weakly said "I'm fine...It isn't that bad...Do what you can...I don't want any of you risking...your lives to get sickbay...Is that understood?" They agreed but Chakotay was not easily convinced, especially if it involved his wife. He pulled Tuvok, Harry, and Paris away to check for 'escape routes' That's what he told Kathryn.

Once far enough away he said "We need to figure out a way to get her to sickbay." Tuvok was quick to say "Commander? The Captain explicitly said not to attempt anything for her." Chakotay nodded but Paris angrily responded "Damn it Tuvok! Look at her. She is dying on that cot. Now do you really not want her to get help?" He shook his head, when B'elanna came over and told them "I managed to open an access hatch, but I don't know how long you will be in there. I don't know if she can last that long." He smiled, when suddenly the doctor yelled out for Paris. The tricorder screeched as soon as he started scanning her. "Commander! We're losing her. We need to get her to sickbay immediately."

Chakotay ran over to Kathryn, and picked her up off the cot yelling "Doctor! Follow me." He did as he was told, and arrived at the open hatch. "Thank you B'elanna." She smiled and the three of them disappeared into the jeffries tubes. After an hour and a half in the jeffries tubes they finally found the Hatch to sickbay. Chakotay leaned Kathryn against a wall and could tell she was in excruciating pain. He took her head in his hands and said "Kathryn, you've got to stay awake for me. Okay?" she nodded her head right as the doctor got the hatch open. He quickly crawled out before turning around and lifted the Captain out. He laid her down onto the nearest biobed.

The commander was close behind, when suddenly the sick bay doors opened and Seska strolled in with her baby settled in her arms. Kathryn managed to pull herself up into a sitting position, leaning into Chakotay's embrace. "Seska let our doctor help her. Please?" Chakotay practically begged. She raised her phaser up and told them "No, but you and your crew are going to be dropped off on a deserted planet so I will allow him to prepare a med kit. The only reason I'm doing that is because she deserves to suffer. I'm only sorry I won't be there to watch your heart break like mine did." Chakotay let out a long sigh, and pulled his wife into a hug. "Seska, you're the one who caused your heart to break, not me. Doctor, gather as much as you can..." Kathryn said very tiredly. Once the Doc had got the medkit ready, Seska beckoned two guards to escort them back to the Cargo bay.

Chakotay turned slightly and said "Alright Kathryn, hold on." She tightened her grip around his neck as he quickly lifted her off of the bed and into his strong arms. When they walked back into the crowded room everyone again became concerned for their captain, because she didn't look any better. Maje Culluh barged into the room, only seconds behind them. "Well crew of Voyager, are you ready to see your new home?" He asked wickedly, as he then saw the Captain still in her first officer's arms. "Why is your Captain only in the arms of her first officer? Surely he has better things to do now that she's indisposed." That was the limit for Neelix.

He pushed his way up with the rest of the senior staff and fumingly told him "Because they love each other. They have been married for 6 months as of tomorrow." Janeway and Chakotay both patted Neelix's shoulders. Culluh just burst out laughing, along with his army. "Why isn't this charming! The formidable Captain Janeway actually married a member of her crew. How very un-captain like." Chakotay stepped forward and said "She is the most courageous captain I've ever served with. She is like a mother to the crew, and I fell in love with her the moment I laid eyes on her. Now that's more than I can say about you." Everyone could see the fear and anger that was manifesting in his eyes, and rushed to protect their captain and commander. A loud thud resonated through the room, only meaning that the ship had landed.

Within seconds the whole crew was standing on a desert like planet, with a few Kazon soldiers who were ripping the comm badges off of their uniforms. Chakotay was quick to set Kathryn down against the nearest rock wall, as they watched Voyager start to ascend back into orbit. Nobody could do anything to stop it. Captain Janeway told the senior staff to take a couple of the security officers to look for someplace that they could start a shelter for the crew, even if that means that they have different camp sites. The rest of the crew volunteered to go with, seeing as they could then survey more of the area in a shorter time frame.

Once they all left, Chakotay crouched down next to her and asked "How are you doing Kath?" She leaned into his embrace, but didn't say a word. He took the opportunity to sit down next to her and pull her close. They stayed there until her ship had disappeared from view. He looked down to see that she had moved her hand away from her side, and gasped at how much blood had started to pool through her uniform again. He leaned down to kiss her forehead, and whispered "Kath? We need to get you to one of the campsites. I'm going to carry you. Okay?" into her ear. She looked up into his eyes and told him "...I think that would be best." From the minute she said that, Chakotay immediately scooped her off of the ground. She let a pained gasp escape her lips, while her dashing husband got her all settled into his arms. Unknowingly to both of them, she fell into an unconscious sleep. Would she be able to wake up? Or not?

The End For Now

Collection of Changes to Star Trek Voyager *Revised edition*Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang