Longer Night

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Chakotay stood on the bridge talking with everyone. He was in command of Voyage, because his wife was sick and the doctor and him finally managed to convince her she is too sick to work. The crew didn't know why she wasn't on the bridge and were coming up with all sorts of theories both good and bad, so Chakotay stood to make things straight "All hands, this is Commander Chakotay!.." He waited until he figured everyone would be turned away from their stations, before continuing "...As you all have noticed the Captain has not been on the bridge for a few days, and I am here to inform you she is very ill...The doctor can't figure out what she has, but it seems to be closely resembled to the flu, so he's calling it 'the Delta Quadrant Flu' She's in our quarters trying to get some rest, but we don't know how long it will last. It doesn't seem to be contagious, but I still need some of you to talk with me about taking care of Bella, and Kol for a night or two. Kathryn and I would greatly appreciate it." Tom Paris quickly spun around and said "Commander...B'elanna and I would be happy to take the kids for the next few nights. We 'll watch cartoons, and have some movie food...If that's okay with you?" Chakotay shared his appreciation and approval, before he turned the bridge over to Tuvok so he could go check on his wife.

Back in their quarters he found that Kathryn wasn't in their bed, or on their couch. He called out to her, but received no response. "Computer...locate Captain Janeway!" He asked aloud. Within a second the computer responded "Captain Janeway is in the Janeway family quarters!" He looked around confused, and finally saw her laying on the ground by the viewports. "Oh Kathryn!" He yelled out, rushing to her side. Her skin was pale, yet she was sweating like it was hot in the room. When he reached out to caress her cheek, he found it freezing cold to the touch. "Kathryn! Please wake up!" He pleaded with her, but got no response. "Chakotay to Sickbay! Medical emergency! It's the Captain!" He called through his comm badge, and waited for him to arrive. "Hold on darling! The doctor's on his way."

The doctor materialized in the main living room of their quarters with a med kit in hand. "Commander! What happened?" He asked Chakotay, when he ran to kneel next to the captain's side. He stammered "I...I don't know. She was fine when I left this morning. I managed to convince her to eat some toast, and she drank some water. I was just coming to get her some lunch, but when I got here she wasn't in bed. I couldn't find her, and thought she left to go to sickbay. I finally found her here..." He paused and looked down to her face, before telling him "She's freezing! Her skin's pale! Yet she's sweating! Please help her!" The doctor was quick to pull out his tricorder and tried to find out what was happening.

Before the Doctor could explain what was going on, they heard a quiet moan emanate from the figure laying on the floor. Chakotay leaned over her and asked: "Honey! Can you hear me?" She pried her eyes open and was instantly confused at why he was looming over her. He calmly asked her "Honey? Do you remember what happened?" She pushed herself up, but only had enough strength to fall against Chakotay's embrace. He shifted his own body, so she could lay against him and was content to hold her. "I woke up feeling worse...My throat is scratchy...I got up out of bed...to get water...I was really cold...I walked over...to the chair to grab...the extra blanket..." She stopped and shivered, so Chakotay pulled her further into his warm embrace while the doctor grabbed the nearby blanket. The doc draped the blanket over the captain, before suggesting to them "Well Captain...I suggest we get you back into bed. I'll give you something for the fever." Chakotay picked her up and started walking back towards their bedroom.

She let out a pained sigh when he laid her back down on the starfleet issue bed. "I know it's uncomfortable honey, but it's necessary for you to get better. The crew misses their Captain! And the kids miss their Mommy!" Her face lit up at the mention of her children. She hadn't seen them in what seemed like forever, her and her husband agreed to keep them away until she was better. Chakotay had taken up a lot of responsibilities since she had fallen ill, but thankfully the ship had not come under attack recently. "How are my babies?..I miss having them here.." She said exhaustedly, trying not to fall back asleep. Chakotay continued to fill her in on how her family was, until she was asleep. He knew she was getting restless and hated feeling weak and isolated, and hoped this flu was gone soon.

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