Future's End Part Two

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Chakotay was quick to report "Starling was transported back to the surface. He's powering up the timeship." Kathryn sighed but ordered"Alright let's get to the bridge! Tom set a pursuit course to follow him." She started to walk towards the door, but the doctor was quick to yell out "Captain! You have just woken up from major surgery, and should stay in sickbay." The only response he got was her death glare, so he backed off and told Chakotay some last minute instructions hoping he could make her rest.

Once on the bridge Starling started firing at Voyager, leaving all their weapons down. "I've got an idea! Chakotay you have the bridge! Mr. Kim prepare to launch a photon torpedo." Captain Janeway told the bridge crew, as she pulled herself up out of her chair with some difficulty. Chakotay offered his hand, and she begrudgingly accepted it. Harry quickly spoke up and informed her "Captain! You would have to manually launch the torpedo from inside the tub, and all the radiation is too dangerous..." She cut him off by saying "You all have your orders!" The doctor was just getting to the bridge with Mr. Paris, Tuvok, and Torres when Chakotay spoke up and ordered "Tuvok be ready to arm a photon torpedo, and Doctor get down to torpedo tube one." He asked why, and waited for the Commander to explain. "She's preparing for a manual launch!" Chakotay told him with a hint of concern in his voice. The doctor quickly turned to head for the Captain, but realized he had no idea how to get to torpedo tube one. Commander Chakotay had Ensign Caplan go with him, before turning back towards the viewscreen.

The scene changed to Kathryn reaching the control panel and starting up the launching programs. She clicked her combadge calling out "Janeway to Bridge!" Chakotay's voice came through loud and clear, as she continued to say "I've got the controls up and operational. Arm the torpedo!" Tuvok claimed that it was indeed armed. She was able to punch in a few more commands, and then added "lock on target!" Tuvok had the torpedo ready. Chakotay had Harry hail starling and warned him to not enter the time rift he was opening. "Or what? Your weapons are down friend. See you sometime!" Starling laughed through the hail. Chakotay felt terrible about this but said "Chakotay to Janeway! We have no other options!" Tom told everyone that he was entering the rift, so Chakotay yelled out "fire!!" Captain Janeway pulled the release lever and was thrown back by an electric shock wave. The last thing she remembered was more pain, before her world went black.

The doctor had finally made it around the corner and saw the Captain laying still on the ground. He rushed towards her with his medkit in hand, and tried to coax her awake. "Captain! Captain! Can you hear me?" When he scanned her he saw that she was worse than before. Her eyes fluttered open as a cacophony of coughs echoed through the room. The Doctor held her steady while saying "Captain! This is why you should've stayed in sickbay." Her eyes trained on him once the coughing stopped, and she knew that it was the doctor. "Doc...help me back up...please?..Have to get back to the bridge..." She asked weakly. He shook his head in disagreement, but knew he would have to comply. "Fine, but I'm coming with. Once we get up there you are sitting, and then we are going back to sickbay." He practically ordered her. A smile spread from ear to ear with appreciation. When he managed to get her back on her feet, she swayed and fell right into his arms. "Come on Captain, let's get you back to your bridge." The doctor said as they walked stiffly into the turbolift.

Chakotay was waiting anxiously to find out how his wife was doing, when finally the turbolift doors opened. He saw that she looked worse than before, and had a burn encompassing her whole left side of her face. He rushed to her side and helped walk her down to her chair. She asked "Is there a way in hell that we can reopen that rift?" Chakotay squeezed her shoulder, while the Doctor continued to monitor her condition. Ensign Kim called out "The rift is opening and we're being hailed!" She motioned for Chakotay to help her stand, so she could try and look like a captain. "On screen." she said, getting more and more tired by the moment. Everyone saw Captain Braxton appear on the screen and was explaining how they needed to follow him back into the rift, because their ship was disrupting the timeline.

Chakotay noticed that her head had fallen to his shoulder, and she was on the verge of passing out. She managed to say "Of course...Tom follow him in..." Tom quickly imputed the necessary course corrections and they were off. Not another moment passed when suddenly Kathryn's legs went weak, and Chakotay had to ease her to the ground. "Kathryn? Kathryn? " Chakotay tried to keep her awake. The doctor quickly scanned her and called out "We need to beam her to sickbay now, she needs to rest and I need to heal the burns.." They all sighed, while Chakotay lifted her up into his arms right as the transporter took them out of the bridge. After a while, once the doctor made sure Kathryn was stable Chakotay asked the doctor "Can you please beam her to our quarters? You know that she will stay in bed and rest if she is not here." The doctor reluctantly agreed and gave him a hypospray for pain and a sedative to help her sleep.He was adamant that he would be monitoring her vitals through the night just in case.

Around 1700 hours she finally woke up, but was concerned by the silence. "Chakotay?" She called through her quarters, and watched as he came into the bedroom with a tray full of different food. "You know I'm tempted to keep you in these quarters for the rest of the trip!" He said while setting the tray down across her lap after she pulled herself up. "I'd throw you in the brig." He chuckled and said "But I'm your husband, so wouldn't you get lonely in this bed without me." She tilted her head to think about it, when he continued to tease her by saying "I would definitely miss kissing you every night." He leaned forward to plant a kiss on her lips, when suddenly she yelped in pain. She quickly apologized and sank back down against her pillow, and told him "Did the doctor send you something for the pain?" He pulled out one hypospray, but continued to tease and ask "Are you sure you want this to stop the pain? How about letting me stop the pain?" She tried to laugh but the pain only worsened. He gently applied the hypospray to her neck and administered the medication. Once he recycled dinner, he came back into and snuggled up as close as he could without causing her more pain. They fell asleep putting the day's work behind them.

The End

Collection of Changes to Star Trek Voyager *Revised edition*Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora