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When the console in front of her exploded, she was hit in the shoulder with a piece of metal and thrown to the ground. "Chakotay!" She yelled out to signal him to hurry with the magnetized hull. Swiftly she crawled to her chair, and pulled herself up to the console, trying to contain the emergency force fields around the ship. Lieutenant Paris spoke up asking "Captain, are you alright?" She brought her hand up to the pain that was coming from her shoulder. "It's just a scratch." She told her helmsman, but he was sure that it was worse "No it's not. Maybe you should go to sickbay?" She shot him with her famous death glare, causing him to quickly spin around.

An alarm klaxon started blaring through the bridge yelling out "Warning! Oxygen Depletion in progress!" Chakotay called out for everyone to exit the bridge, so everyone but one person ran towards the turbolift. Chakotay spun around to find that the captain was still sitting in her chair, leaning over to her console. "Kathryn!" She turned around slightly to tell him "I'm trying to reroute emergency power to the field emitters." He started moving towards her yelling "Come on Kathryn, we need to go now!" She turned to see him making his way towards her, when suddenly a beam flew down hitting her in her head, sending her out of her seat and landing on her bad shoulder.

Chakotay rushed to her side after he saw the beam hit her. She pulled herself up, which started a coughing fit. "Kathryn? Come on, let's get you out of here." he said, helping her to her feet. He noticed the familiar sound of an energy surge coming through the bridge. Kathryn heard it too, and pulled together just enough strength to trip Chakotay so that he would get into the lift first. As the consoles started exploding she followed him by diving into the lift just seconds before the doors closed. Paris and Chakotay helped her stand, while Tuvok directed the lift to main engineering.

Tom was standing right next to the captain and knew that her shoulder was worse than she let on, so he "accidently" bumped into her. She let out a yelp in pain, causing Chakotay to immediately ask if she was alright. "I'm fine, just a little scratch...That's all." Paris scoffed and waited til he got their attention. "Captain! You were hit in the shoulder, and if you would have let me take a look, you would've seen that a piece of metal is still stuck in the wound and you're losing blood. I can tell that you are in a lot of pain, we'll know more when we get to the doctor." She let herself fall back against the wall, just in time for the turbolift doors to open right into engineering. The Doctor was scanning the injured crewman that laid on a cot. The two men led the Captain through the doors, and told B'elanna to start a certain procedure that should help keep their ship intact.

Suddenly the ship shook, sending everyone to the ground. Janeway fell to her knees in pain, causing the doctor's head to snap to see the captain with blood staining her uniform. "Get her over to an empty cot." He ordered. Chakotay and B'elanna wrapped their arms under her shoulders, and helped her over to the cot that was in front of the warp core. She was biting her lip and trying not to cry out. The Doctor told them "Chakotay, we need to get her jacket and turtleneck off." He undid the front of her uniform, easing one arm out of the sleeve. "Alright, just one more arm. This is going to hurt, so just squeeze my hand. Okay?" Chakotay said, grabbing her hand, while the doctor moved to grab the material. As he slowly began pulling the materials away from the wound, she found herself squeezing Chakotay's hand. Once she was stipped down to her tank top, he quickly pressed the cloth down onto the wound.

The ship shook again, sending her falling backwards and almost hitting the warp core. Chakotay was quick to catch her and pull her back onto the cot. With her attention turned towards Chakotay, the doctor took the opportunity and yanked the small piece of metal out from her shoulder. She yelped in pain, as the engineering doors opened letting someone walk in. "What the hell Kathryn?" Another Captain Janeway came waltzing into engineering with her hand perched upon her hips. The doctor continued to bandage up her shoulder, and take care of her concussion, but she stopped him before he could finish examining her any further. "Chakotay? Help me up, please?" She weakly asked her husband, letting his arm wrap around her waist.

Collection of Changes to Star Trek Voyager *Revised edition*जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें