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Tom Paris makes the transwarp flight and evolves, but when he sneaks up behind Captain Janeway; she tries to stun him, but the shot misses and hits the bulkhead behind him instead. Paris rams into her, watching her fly into the turbolift and crumble to the ground after making contact with the wall. He was quick to direct the lift to the shuttle bay, while lifting his captain up off of the floor. Once they were in a shuttlecraft, he laid Janeway down on the ground behind the pilot seats; finally feeling for a pulse and finding an extremely weak one. Back on the bridge Chakotay heard Kathryn cry out in pain, but before he could take any action to help her, the shuttle was already going to warp and nearing the threshold.

Back on the shuttle Janeway started waking up. She glanced up to see evolved Paris's hands frantically moving around the helm console. She tried to crawl to the other shuttle seat, but pain raged from head to toe. Within seconds they were encased in a white light and the shuttle started falling towards a planet. She woke up feeling more pain roar through her entire body. A strange sound came from outside the shuttle craft, so she took the opportunity to roll onto her side and army crawl through the opening in the hull. A salamander slithered over to her, and she could see in it's eyes that it was Lieutenant Paris. About an hour after they crash landed Janeway lost consciousness and was now a salamander just like Tom.

Back on Voyager they were working on a way to locate the crashed shuttle that held their Captain, and Pilot. "Commander, I have located the shuttle. It looks to have crash landed on an M-Class planet approximately three light years away from our current position." Tuvok stated calmly. "Helm, set a course at maximum warp." Chakotay ordered, sitting back into his seat. He refused to sit in his wife's seat even when she was still on board. Ensign Kim requested permission to go to sick bay and inform the doctor that they may be injured. Once they were in orbit, Commander Chakotay and Commander Tuvok beamed down to the planet and started scanning for the Captain and Paris. They all split up; sending Tuvok and Chakotay towards a lake.

When they made it to a clearing Chakotay's light hit something that was definitely human. When he moved a big leave; he saw Kathryn lying on her side naked, and unconscious. Tuvok found Paris laying next to her, and in between them three little baby salamanders slithered their way into the water. Chakotay looked baffled, but managed to say "I don't know how i'm going to enter this into the logs, and Paris might be a dead man!" Tuvok tried to take a stab at humor by saying "I look forward to reading it. As for Mr. Paris, you might want to think twice about that if you don't want to be tasked with driving everyday." They both turned their attention back to the captain and Paris.

Tuvok radioed for one of the security officers to bring a couple of blankets for them. When they finally arrived with the blankets; Chakotay was quick to gently wrap one around his unmoving wife. He lifted her off the ground and took off with Tuvok to the shuttle. Ayala and one other security officer both carried Paris behind the two commanding officers. Tuvok opened the hatch, letting everyone rush back to Voyager. "Kathryn? Come on, please wake up!" Chakotay coaxed her, while trying to keep her warm.

Tuvok came over and informed Chakotay that Paris was awake, and had asked about the Captain. "Tell him that she is still unconscious, and ask him about what he remembers happening." Chakotay told him. Minutes passed when Tuvok showed up holding up Paris. "Commander! We need to get her to the doctor as soon as possible." Paris said with worry in his voice. Tuvok asked him to explain his reasoning. "When I rammed into her at the turbolift, she was sort of thrown against the wall." Fear,and anger began to manifest in Chakotay's eyes, as Paris continued to tell them "And when we crossed the threshold I evolved into the salamander, and left the Captain with a shuttle that was falling towards the surface. I could tell she was in pain after the crash, which was worse than before we left Voyager." Tuvok brought Paris to the other side of the shuttle; leaving Chakotay to again try and wake his wife up.

He gently shook her, called out her name, and planted two kisses on her lips. When he pulled back, he was relieved to see her eyes begin to open. "Chakotay?..Where am I?.." She asked weakly. He dropped his head to look at her face. "Sweetheart, you're awake! How are you feeling?" He told her lovingly. She tried to sit up on her own, but all the pain she remembered from before came rushing back to her. Chakotay held her down, willing her to not move. She spoke very tiredly "I feel like a starship... landed on me... Everything hurts..." Her face lit up with concern a second later and continued to say "Tom...Where's Tom?.. Is he okay?" At that moment he walked over to her; kneeling down to her he told her "I'm fine Captain. I am so sorry for everything that happened. I swear I did not intend to get you hurt." She tried to sit up but more pain raged from head to toe. "Don't move my dear! We'll be back to the doctor very soon. I promise!" Chakotay reassured her, flashing his dimples and watching her light up with a smile.

Tuvok walked up behind Paris and brought him back to the other side to rest, while they got closer to Voyager. Chakotay noticed Janeway was shivering, and grabbed another blanket to wrap around her. "Thanks...honey..." She spoke very quietly. He helped her sit up a bit and pulled her as close to him as he could get her, without hurting her. She snuggled in, but kept talking. "Chakotay?..I want you to promise me...that you will sneak me out of...sickbay as soon as possible..." She heard him laugh, and knew his response when she felt his lips against her forehead.

The shuttle finally docked, letting Chakotay lift Captain Janeway up off of the cold metal floor. Tuvok helped her wrap the blankets around her a bit more, before they took off towards sick bay with Paris following close behind with Lieutenant Ayala assisting him. When they arrived in sickbay the doctor was ready for anything, gathering any material he thought he may need. Chakotay sat her down on the clamshell biobed, while Tuvok grabbed a medical gown for her to slip on. The doctor checked on Mr. Paris. The two men worked together to get the gown on, but she groaned in pain when they lifted her arm to get it into the sleeve. Chakotay had a spare hair clip in his pocket, so while Tuvok left for the bridge, he pinned her hair back away from her face. "Alright my dear, it's time to get you settled down against the bed. Okay?" She smiled and tried to shift on her own, but the pain was excruciating.

He ended up just lifting her up and repositioning her so her back was against the bed. "Alright Captain, let's see what Paris has done to you today?" The doctor said, strolling over to her bed and started scanning her. His face didn't show much of how severe of a condition she was in. without saying a word he ran towards his office, leaving the captain worried and trying to sit up. Chakotay made sure that she stayed on the bed. He came back and explained "Captain, apparently Mr. Paris did some serious damage. You have major internal bleeding, broken bones, concussion, torn ligaments, and more. I need to reset the bones, and fix the internal bleeding. I'm going to give you a mild sedative, and don't worry Commander Chakotay can stay" They both agreed, and kissed each other before the doctor administered the hypospray. Her world faded to black, and the doctor had Chakotay help with the procedure.

Once the doctor finished up, Chakotay asked "Can we transport her to our quarters? Please? You know that she'll take it easier if she's in her own bed." The doctor scanned her, and came to the conclusion; telling him "I'll send a medkit with you, that will have hyposprays to ease her headaches and any other pain." He smiled and called for the computer to transfer the captain and himself to their home. Once they rematerialized, he lifted her up, laying her down on her side of the bed. He left to work on some reports, while he waited for Kathryn to wake up.

After about 2 hours, he walked into the room with a replicated coffee and watched as her eyes began to flutter open. When her eyes finally opened she looked up to see Chakotay looking down at her. "How long was I out?..Where's the doctor?.." She asked, trying to sit up, but pain still roared through her shoulder and head. Chakotay was quick to give her the painkillers so that she could sit herself up. "You were out for about 2 hours, and we're at home. I promised you that I would get you out of sickbay as fast as I could." She let out a quiet laugh, while resituating herself to lean against the headboard. He lifted up her coffee cup, and she lit up with glee. "Thanks honey...How long am I supposed to be in bed for?.." She asked. He just laughed and moved so that he could have her lean against him. He then whispered "For as long as it takes. I could have lost my beautiful, and talented wife today." She snuggled closer to him, as to reassure him that she was not going anywhere.

The End

Collection of Changes to Star Trek Voyager *Revised edition*Where stories live. Discover now