More Concerning Flight

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When Janeway goes down to a planet to find what was stolen from her ship, she finds Leonardo Da Vinci with the mobile emitter and works with him to try and get back the ship's main computer. She was standing in Da Vinci's new workshop and talking to Chakotay saying "We're going to head for the warehouse very soon, but until then how's my baby?" She heard the bridge crew send out a roaring laugh, so she resumed her captain's mask and ordered them to tell her what was so funny.

Chakotay quickly answered "Sorry honey! Bella is here on the bridge with us, and as soon as she heard you ask for her she perked up. She wiggled in Tom's lap and tried to reach the viewscreen." A smile and a tear made its way onto her face, before she responded "Well then I should be asking her how she's doing then, shouldn't I?" The line went quiet, until she heard Chakotay's voice saying "Bella! Look who it is?" She spun around to see that he had activated a monitor that was in the workshop. The bridge crew watched her saunter over to the terminal, before she called through "You clever man! You just keep reminding me of why I married you!" He smiled at his wife. Bella instantly turned her head, and started to giggle when she saw her momma. Kathryn couldn't help but wave at her, and say "Hi my little Bella! Are you being good for daddy..."

Tom spoke up telling her "You know captain...your daughter is already acting like a captain. She tried to take the ship to you, and gave the commander her best glare to have him contact you." Her eyes shot to Chakotay and her daughter, before asking "Chakotay is it true that she is already turning into mommy's little captain?" He nodded and told her "Yeah it's true. My daughter will be a captain, not a first officer. Oh well! At least she has my eyes, but I'm going to have to team up with the doctor if she's as stubborn as her mother is." Kathryn made a move to mimic a smack to the arm, before deciding to have some fun with this and said "You know Harry, there might be a promotion waiting for you if you do the captain one small favor!" She watched as he sprang to attention, so she continued "If you could be so kind as to give the Commander a slight slap on the arm for being mean to his wife, captain, and daughter...I would ever be grateful to Lieutenant Kim." Without hesitation he ran from behind his console and was quick to reach her family. Before proceeding with the punishment he apologized. Chakotay knew better than to get in the way of his wife's punishment when she was still visible, so he took it like a man. When Harry dashed back to his station, Chakotay turned his attention back to Kathryn and said "You know I could punish you, for risking your life on that planet, and not being here with Bella." He was cut off when Bella gave an agreeing huff. She knew she had to leave soon, so blew a kiss towards her family before saying goodbye. When she closed the link, the prince was standing there with a weapon raised at her.

Instantly he was asking her questions, but she wasn't answering. He started taking small steps towards her, so she went to reach for her own phaser. The prince saw that she was going to grab a weapon, and rushed to pull her into a death grip. Janeway gasped when the prince wrapped his arm around her throat and started squeezing. "Again I'm going to ask you...Who were you talking to?" The prince asked, and squeezed even more when she didn't answer him.

Da Vinci creeped back into the room, and was instantly concerned for his apprentice when he saw the Prince standing behind her. He couldn't see if he was hurting her, but that changed when he heard the prince say "I'm done asking you questions, since you are not going to cooperate..." The prince paused while spinning Kathryn around to face him before continuing "I'm afraid you're going to have to die now!" Da Vinci instinctively picked up the nearest hard object he could find, and snuck up behind him. He could sense that his Katerina was hurt by the way she didn't notice him.

The prince suddenly whipped his weapon across her face, and let go of her waist. Da Vinci saw her fly to the ground, but continued to knock the prince on the back of the head. He fell unconscious, so he grabbed the weapon. Da Vinci rushed to Katerina's side to find her still unconscious, so he slung her purse onto her stomach and proceeded to lift her off of the ground. He headed towards the warehouse that she needed to get inside to find something that could get them back home.

Collection of Changes to Star Trek Voyager *Revised edition*Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora