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Captain Janeway had been egging Kashyyk on while he was aboard her ship. Both of them were mere pawns in each other's games. She didn't tell him anything personal and neither did he, so when he decided to go looking for answers in the ships database; he was not happy with what he found. He had volunteered to go back to his inspector position to make sure Voyager passed the upcoming inspection. She offered to walk him to the shuttle bay, and quickly turned the bridge over to Chakotay. Recently he had been more worried about Kathryn than usual.

When they got to the shuttle bay Kashyyk decided to do something terrible. "Oh Kathryn! Thank you so much for your friendship while on board!" Captain Janeway smiled, but kept her distance not wanting to be around him for much longer. "One last thing before I go..." Kashyyk asked, and waited until he got her undivided attention to continue. "Can I get a hug goodbye?" He opened his arms, but noticed that she was apprehensive; so he added "please!" She knew that she couldn't say no, so walked into his embrace. For the first few seconds the hug was genuine, but that changed when she felt something being pushed through her uniform. Before she could do anything about it, she felt searing pain cascade through her chest reaching every nerve ending. Kashyyk briefly allowed her to fall back, so she could understand what he was doing to her.

When Janeway looked down she saw he had stabbed her and all she could do was look up into his eyes. All she saw was rage and vengeance. He pushed the blade further into her chest, making her fall forward in his embrace. Her head was leaning against his shoulder which happened to be at the same height as his face was, so he was able to whisper "That was for lying to me!" Suddenly he yanked the knife to the right, and angrily said, "This is for not telling me you're married!" He again twisted the knife to the right and told her "That is for your loyal crew, which if I may add did a very good job at keeping your secrets!" Captain Janeway gasped in pain with each move of the knife, and all she could do was try and stay awake. With her thoughts distracted, she didn't notice that he had again shifted the knife. He laughed and told her "That was for not introducing me to your lovely children!" She tried to pull herself up for a second after hearing him imply that he had met her kids. He managed to keep her close and make one final twist of the dreaded knife, and tell her "And that, my dear Kathryn, is for making me vulnerable!" She was rooted to the ground, but couldn't say anything. His shuttle notified him the pre-launch sequence was finished, so he harshly yanked the knife from the Captain and left her standing alone to die.

When his shuttle finally left, she immediately fell onto her right side. Janeway knew that she needed help, so using her left hand she shakely reached up to hit her combadge. "Janeway to bridge..." She said in a pain filled voice. Chakotay responds "Kathryn! Are you alright?" She had started pulling herself towards the wall, and weakly spoke "Chakotay...Help me..." When she finally managed to lean against the wall; the last thing she heard was Chakotay yelling "Kathryn! Kathryn honey! Talk to me!"

Back on the bridge Chakotay was panicking, and pacing the bridge. "Computer locate Captain Janeway!" He yelled to the computer. It responded "CAPTAIN JANEWAY IS IN SHUTTLEBAY ONE!" He quickly asked, "What are her biosigns?" The computer answered right away saying "CAPTAIN JANEWAY IS IN DISTRESS!" That sent Chakotay over the edge; causing him to call out "Bridge to sickbay!" When the doctor answered Chakotay ordered him to shuttlebay one and added that he and Paris were already on their way. They met the doctor outside of the shuttlebay, and rushed through the doors. All of them noticed the pool of blood that was in the center of the bay, but they couldn't see Kathryn. Chakotay slowly walked forward around the corner, and saw her leaning against the wall. "I FOUND HER!" He yelled out, while running to her side. He noticed her skin was so pale, and she was losing a lot of blood. He stroked her cheeks and tried to coax her awake by saying "come on Kathryn! Open your eyes! Come back to me!" Nothing was working. The doctor ran the tricorder over the still form of their captain, and told them "The knife went straight through the heart. She's losing a lot of blood, and we need to get her to sick bay as soon as possible."

In the moment of silence, Kathryn started coming to. "...Chakotay..." She managed to coax out no louder than a whisper. His attention shot straight towards his wife, and saw that her eyes were open and she was aware he was there. "Kathryn! You're going to be okay! Okay, the doctor is here." He said, before leaning in and planting a kiss on her lips. She smiled, but only for a second before her 'captain's mask' snapped into place. "Kashyyk...The inspection...Ohhh!" She tried to shove herself up off of the wall, but so much pain ripped through her whole body. Both the doctor and Chakotay helped her lean back against the wall. Chakotay told her "KATHRYN! You've got to be calm, so the doctor can treat you." Tom made a move to make a call to the bridge, so that he can give his captain a report.

When Tom came back, he said "Don't worry about Kashyyk. The inspection is expected to start in about 36 hours." She let out a sigh, hoping it would help, but it only sent a sharp pain up and down her spine. The doctor was quick to suggest getting her to sick bay as soon as possible. Chakotay and Tom worked together to lift her off of the cold metal floor, and run like the wind toward sick bay. Once they had made their way to sick bay Kathryn had fallen unconscious, but Chakotay could still feel her breathing. The doctor had performed so many procedures on the captain that now it seemed second nature to access his 'The captain is injured' database.

The End

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