Up and Coming Resistance

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One the Mokra home world, Janeway, Torres, and Tuvok were waiting in a local market for Neelix to come out of the trading post with the crystals needed to fix Voyager's warp drive. Suddenly several Mokra soldiers converged on the away team and the fighting started. Neelix walked out of the trading post and secretly hid by the entrance. When the captain managed to fight off one of the soldiers, she slapped her combadge to contact her ship, and didn't notice another soldier firing a shot that ended up hitting her in the side. The next she remembers is the feeling of flying back into a wall, before landing on her side. A soldier harshly kicked her, so that she was laying on her back. He ripped the combadge off of her dress, while she was trying to get air back into her lungs without the escalating pain emanating from her ribcage. The same soldier aimed the gun up to her again, but one of the local men came running towards him screaming out "Get away from her!!!" The old man managed to move the soldier's arm slightly, but he still managed to shoot Janeway in the shoulder.

She let her head fall to the side and saw Torres and Tuvok being taken away by the Mokra. "Captain!" They both yelled out before being dragged around the corner. With the soldier taken care off, and everything starting to go back to normal in the streets, Neelix took this opportunity to run towards his captain. When he got to her side, she was struggling to pull herself up, but it wasn't going so well. "Captain? Are you alright?" He asked, while helping her lean against the wall that she had previously hit. He saw the blood pooling from her right side and her left shoulder. "Oh my God, you're bleeding!" Neelix yelled out, quickly ripping a piece of his outfit and pressed it firmly to her side telling her "Captain, I need you to press down on this okay?" She weakly nodded, and pressed down on her side as much as she had the strength to; which caused her to flinch in pain. He was quick to rip another piece of fabric and gripped it against her shoulder. "Are you okay my dear?" The local man asked, taking her hand in his and rubbing her knuckles with his thumbs. "I'm fine...but my crewmates were arrested...We need to rescue them...Ouch." She told him, again trying to push herself up to her feet. They both made sure she stayed on the ground, since she was losing a ton of blood.

Her head fell back against the wall when Neelix told her "Captain, I'm taking you back to voyager. We'll come back for B'elanna and Tuvok, but our first priority is to get you to the doctor." She looked up to see that she had no choice, seeing as she could tell her strength was diminishing faster than she wanted. The man said "Go! get better. I'll wait in town for you, and then when you get back, I'll help you get your friends out of the prison." She smiled, and thanked him.

Neelix shifted her weight so that he could lift her up into his arms, before she could resist. Instead she let her head fall against his dark furry coat. "Captain, can you tap my combadge please?" He waited for her to respond while surveying the street for any soldiers, luckily there were none. The captain still had not hit his badge, and when he looked down he was shocked to see her eyes closed and her skin paler than he remembered seeing it. Faster than a puma, he set her down for a microsecond to contact voyager. "Neelix to Voyager. Two to beam up." They beamed him directly to main Engineering, still holding the captain in his arms.

When he appeared back on board, Chakotay instantly saw Kathryn lying lifelessly in his arms. The commander was quick to take her out of his arms and lay her down against the cold metal floor. "Kathryn?.. Neelix what happened?" Neelix threw his jacket off and motioned for the commander to lift her up for a sec. "The Mokra found the away team and they started fighting them. Commander you are one lucky man to have snagged the captain, she fought off one that was triple her size." Chakotay smiled, and looked down at his wife who was still unconscious and losing blood.

He pressed something to her side, while Neelix kept an eye on her shoulder and continued his story. "I had just come out of the trading spot when I saw the captain get shot by a mokra soldier. A local man helped to make sure she was alright. Commander, she'll be alright." They continued to talk about the events after with the local man, when suddenly a low moan floated to their ears. Their heads whipped around to see Janeway stirring. "Kathryn? Can you hear me?" Chakotay asked frantically, taking her porcelain hand in his. He felt a weak squeeze, and let out a small laugh. "Captain? It's Neelix, please wake up?" He sweetly asked while fixing his jacket into a better pillow.

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