New Alliance

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The ship shook with the increase in attacks that were hitting the ship. Captain Janeway and her crew try to survive and defeat the Kazon, a species that they had been fighting with since their arrival in the Delta Quadrant. One last direct hit, sent the whole crew to the ground. Janeway smacked her head on metal rail, before hitting the carpeted floor. Lieutenant Ayala quickly made his way over to the unconscious captain. Her first officer and husband, Commander Chakotay, rushed to her side, lightly tapping her cheeks coaxing "Kathryn? Come on, please wake up? Captain?" She began to stir, and let out quiet moans. "Honey! Can you hear me?" Chakotay quickly asked, watching her eyes finally open. He could see that her eyes were glossed over for just a moment, before clearing up and focusing on him. "What happened?.. head is pounding..." She said with a pain filled voice. "Captain, that last hit knocked you to the ground, and you hit your head on the bars." Ayala explained.

Captain Janeway pushed away the nausea and dizziness, and managed to get up onto her knees. "Report!" She yelled out, motioning for Ayala to go back to his station. Chakotay helped her to her feet, before rushing to fix the commline relay. "Multiple injury reports coming in from all decks, no casualties reported, minor hull breach on deck 3, and repair crews are already on their way." Lieutenant Tuvok said in his usual Vulcan tone. The nausea and dizziness had found its way back into Janeway's already pounding skull.

Chakotay looked up to his wife when she didn't continue issuing orders. He saw that she had gone pale, and had her eyes closed. He decided to slowly approach her, so that he didn't startle her. "Kathryn? Are you sure you're feeling okay?" He asked, wrapping one arm around her waist and feeling her forehead with the other. He noticed that she was feverish, and the cut on her head was worse than he thought. "Sweetheart, you're burning up." He remarked. She finally opened her eyes and looked into his eyes, truthfully telling him "I'm head is killing me...and I think I need some get to sickbay." He let out a loud gasp and said "Wait! What have you done with my wife? She would never reluctantly ask to go sickbay, or ask for help!" She just looked up with sadness and pain in her eyes, and he immediately told her "I was only trying to lighten the mood. I'm sorry My love!" Her legs again went to jelly, causing her to fall into his arms. "I know you were honey...Everything just hurts too much..." He quickly lifted her into his arms, letting her take a second to wrap her arms around his neck.

Paris came over and said "Commander! Captain! I hate to be the bearer of bad news, but the turbolifts are currently down. As the acting medic on the bridge, I suggest that we get her into her ready room and laid down on the couch." Kathryn let out a frustrated sigh, but Chakotay took his advice and started towards the ready room. Once he got her laying down upon her couch, Paris finally scanned her. "Captain! You have a concussion, and a broken shoulder. I can reduce the cranial swelling, but I will need to replicate a sling so that I can realign your shoulder." She blinked her approval, while Chakotay rubbed her good arm. Paris left to go replicate all that he needed, leaving Chakotay to entertain her. It only took fifteen minutes to patch her up, but Paris implored her to stay and rest until they could get her to sickbay. She of course refused and was leaning into her husband's embrace; barking orders yet again.

The Kazon were finally gone, when they discovered a damaged ship coming towards them. A man and what looked to be his people appeared onto the screen, and asked "We ask that you take us aboard your ship. Our systems are heavily damaged, but we have a plan to help with your Kazon related problems. We apologize for you having to get mixed up in this heartbreaking war that has been going on for more than ten years now. Please?" Captain Janeway looked around the bridge, receiving only slight nods from everyone. She was about to answer when the dizziness again took over, causing her to fall back against Chakotay's chest.

He spoke up "We will tractor your ship into our shuttle bay, and have some quarters prepped for you. You may come and address your proposal in our sickbay, so that our captain can get her injuries treated. If that's alright?" The man agreed, while Chakotay proceeded to lift Kathryn back into his arms; finally able to get into the turbolift. Her arm was still resting in the sling, which was a relief in everyone's eyes.

Collection of Changes to Star Trek Voyager *Revised edition*Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz