Caretaker Part 1 & 2

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At the beginning when Voyager got pulled into the whirlwind, Captain Janeway yelled out "Everyone, brace for impact!" her first officer was running to his chair when they were hit. He died on impact and everyone was thrown from their stations, including the captain. A support beam came down at the same moment she was falling towards the ground. The sharp edge impaled her side as she landed hard on the deck. The last thing she heard was Tom Paris yelling out "CAPTAIN!" A short time later he woke up to remember the captain was injured. He crawled over to her to make sure she was alive, and let out a sigh when she began to stir. She tried to sit up but he was quick to push her down telling her "stay down!" She nodded and rolled her head from side to side, trying to push away the remainder of sleep that was holding on for dear life. "Harry, I need your help!" Paris yelled out while trying to pull the support beam away from his captain, but it was only causing it to move deeper into her side, letting blood continue to ooze out of the opening in her uniform. "...Tom?.." She moaned as she tried to suppress the pain that spread through her entire body.

Harry quickly ran from his station and noticed that Captain Janeway was fighting for her life. "What do you need me to do?" He leaned down and grabbed his Captain's hand. She again tried to pull herself up, but the two crewmen stuck to their training and kept her down. "Don't move!" She nodded, as Harry moved slightly. "We need to pull her away from the beam. Get ready to press something against her side once it's out." He nodded and positioned himself to help. He pulled her right arm over his shoulder and placed his other arm under her legs. Looking down they saw her eyes closed.

Knowing it would be best to not have her conscious, the two men got ready. "On the count of three," Paris told Harry. Tom tightened his grip around Janeway's body. Harry did the same. "Three, two, one, NOW!" They pulled her away from the beam. Tom started tapping her cheeks lightly and calling out her name. Her eyes fluttered open to see both Tom and Harry looking down at her. He positioned himself at her side in front of the support beam. She weakly spoke out "Yes...Mr.Paris?" letting the two crewmen breathe a sigh of relief.

Once they got her awake, they could tell she was in excruciating pain. Tom ripped a piece of cloth from the dead first officer's uniforms, and pressed it to her side "Ow!" Janeway cried out. He quickly looked up to her face and saw that she was biting her lip trying not to appear in pain. "I need a medkit!" He told Harry, before they helped her lean up against her chair. Ensign Kim left to retrieve one from behind the tactical station. When he pulled away, her arm flew to her side as she felt the blood continuing to pool through her uniform. "Damn it...Well, this is going to ruin my day...Ouch!" She said, trying to lighten the mood. Paris attempted to apply more pressure, but nothing was working. Harry was running back when he suddenly disappeared. "Tom?...What was that?..Where did he go?.." She asked, trying to suppress the pain that was raging.

Within a microsecond she disappeared out of his arms, leaving him holding the blood-soaked cloth. He yelled out for any crew member to figure out what was going on, but the room went black. He appeared to be back on Earth, but that wasn't his priority when he saw Harry running towards him. "Tom! Where's the captain?" he looked at him with a confused look, and asked: "She was sent here before me! You haven't seen her?" Harry shook his head, and they both started spinning around looking for anything unusual. Tom saw something in the distance, and as he went to focus on what it was; he saw somebody trying to pull themselves up but wasn't having the best of luck.

"Look!" Paris called out and pointed at what he saw. Harry did as he was told, and saw the same thing. They both took off running and arrived quickly to see their determined captain, trying to stand. "Captain! Hold on!" Harry yelled out as they both helped her up to her feet. Her legs were wobbly, and she nearly fell back to the ground. "Let Tom carry you, please? We don't know what's happening, but we were all transported to the array." She was protesting when suddenly she felt Paris lift her into her arms. "Mr. Paris?..I'm fine." she tried to plead, but he was not going to give in. "Sorry Captain, but you are losing too much blood. I need you off your feet and this seemed the best way right now." She nodded and reluctantly wrapped her left arm around his shoulders, and let her head fall against his shoulders.

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