The Killing Game Additions

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When Seven and Janeway were running away Nazi headquarters it explodes, and Janeway gets a piece of building debris in the side; through and through. She tried to pull herself up into a sitting position, but pain halted her movements. Seven crawled towards the captain and told her "You are injured. Let me examine you!" She managed to shift her body to be on her side and tell her "We need to get off the street...and out of the holodecks..." Seven tried to convince the captain to take it easy, but knew more hirogen would be here soon. They both got up and ran as fast as they could out and into the closet jefferies tube entrance.

Once Seven locked the tube she turned and helped ease Captain Janeway down onto an entrance to another junction. "Captain, let me examine your injury." She stated, but quickly added a 'please' to it which let Janeway know that she wasn't going to back down from this. "Fine...Help me get my jacket off...Please?" She asked Seven, while already having a hard time getting her jacket off of her shoulder. When the jacket was off Seven could clearly see the piece of debris going in through her back and out her side or the other way around, Seven didn't really know, but she knew it needed to come out.

When seven noticed that the captain looked toward the hatch, she pulled the piece straight out of her side. A scream erupted from her mouth at the interminable pain that roared through her whole midsection. "WHAT THE HELL SEVEN!!!!! OUCH!!!!" She cried through the pain, while trying to quiet down. All seven told her "you were distracted and it needed to come out, so I took advantage of your distraction. Now I need you to pull up your top so I can try and bandage you up to stop the bleeding before you lose consciousness." The captain's mouth flew open at how frank seven was, but quickly began to think she was right. With shaking hands she pulled her shirt up to her breast, and Seven managed to use her tank top as a bandage. She stuck the two straps into both sides of the wound before wrapping it around her waist, and tying it as tightly as possible. "The bandage is adequate, but will need to be redone when we get you to the doctor." Seven said while cleaning up the mess she made, only to look up and see the captain's eyes were closed, and her skin had lost all color. Quickly she leaned toward her and smacked her across the face to try and wake her up.

As soon as her hand made contact with the captain's face, her eyes fluttered open. " long was I out for?.." Janeway weakly spoke. "Only for a few moments, but we should get moving to astrometrics." Seven told her, while adjusting her clothes. "I agree... Let's get moving...ohh!!!!" Kathryn tried to say in her best 'captain tone' but the pain was too much and she fell back onto the seat. Seven helped her up and out into the corridors. They took off towards astrometrics to find only one holographic soldier, so Janeway ran to catch him before he picked up the rifle. She elbowed him in the shoulder and rendered him unconscious. The two of them talked about getting allies, and headed back to holodeck two.

Back in Katrine's place on the holodeck most of the senior staff's characters were there. Suddenly they all heard something pop open and armed themselves. Katrine,Captain Janeway, hauled herself out of the tube and into the restaurant to see guns pointed right at her. "Hold your fire" She said in her French accent. "We thought you were killed in the explosion." Tuvok's character said in a vulcan tone. "We escaped through these tunnels. It took us a bit longer to get back, because I had to treat Katrines inj..." Seven started, but Janeway cut her off saying "We don't have time to explain our reasoning...I need Captain Miller to come over here and help me."

Captain Miller, Commander Chakotay, immediately perked up when he heard that Katrine might be hurt, but he didn't know why he cared so much for a woman he had just met. "Of course, but will you let my field medic take a look at you please? I just want to make sure you're okay." She was about to protest when she saw Seven moving towards her, and quickly replied "fine..but it needs to be quick...because we need to get moving." He helped her off the bar and led her to the nearest table that had a map on it. She gently lowered herself down into the chair, and was careful to stay off of her left side. Lieutenant Davis,Tom Paris, brought a first aid kit over to the table and asked: "Alright where is the injury?" She opened her jacket and raised her shirt again to show the black tank top that is soaked through with blood. Tom's character quickly jumped into action by removing the tank top, so he could apply more gauze to the wound. She flinched at the sudden pain, but didn't try to move away. Captain Miller took her hand and tried to be reassuring and supportive, but she just started talking about a plan.

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