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The doctor had finished giving the crew their annual physicals...well not the WHOLE crew. He found himself in the turbolift, heading to the bridge, with his medkit in hand. He arrived to find confused looks being shot towards him. Commander Chakotay worried that something was wrong with his wife, but relaxed when the doctor calmly informed everyone "I'm just cornering the Captain in her ready room, so she has nowhere to hide..." Lieutenant Paris asked what he meant, so he continued "The Captain is the only one that hasn't come down for her physical." Chakotay growled quietly and said "I thought she did...I mean I dropped her off at sick bay yesterday morning before shift." Tom and Harry tried to hide their laugh, but didn't succeed. The doctor was amazed and told him "She never arrived Commander." Chakotay was getting annoyed, but calmly walked to join the doctor by the ready room doors. The doctor hit the chime to request permission to enter. The crew heard the doors open, and watched as the two men walked into the room knowing that the captain was in trouble.

In the ready room, the two of them found her sitting behind her desk with a cup of coffee in one hand and a padd in the other. When she looked up and saw her husband standing next to the doctor she knew that she was busted, but calmly asked "What can I do for you gentleman?" Chakotay leaned over the desk to look her straight in the eye, before asking her "The doctor here says you're the only one who hasn't had their physical done, but how can that be when I dropped you off myself yesterday?" The captain didn't move from her spot, but she said "Ummm....I was called to engineering before I went in..." Chakotay didn't believe her, and knew the perfect way to punish her. He stood up straight and turned to the doctor saying "She will submit to her physical here and now..." He turned to the side, so he could glare at her before adding "I won't be leaving til it's done, so that I can make sure she tells the truth and follows any instructions you may give her." The doctor watched the Captain's mouth drop to the floor, but still moved to set his medkit on the corner of her desk. Chakotay was about to help her out of her seat, but she waved him off and got to her feet. She kept her coffee in her hand, but put the padd on her chair, and walked around to the front of her desk. Chakotay offered to hold her coffee while she sat down on her desk, but she declined his help. It didn't surprise Chakotay at all. He knew she was wanting to prove she was independent, but later she would tell him that she was too stubborn for her own good.

The doctor started running his tricorder down from her head to her toes, while she sipped her coffee. As standard procedure he asked "any concerns?" She shook her head, but of course Chakotay spoke up and told him "Actually, I want to know if you can tell from your scans if she is exhausted, because she won't tell me anything concerning her health?" Kathryn sent him her famous 'death glare', but after 3 years married he is immune to that glare. The doctor checked the tricorder readings and reported "The readings show signs of mild exhaustion, but not severe enough for me to relieve her of duty." As he closed the tricorder and walked around her desk, she said "see...I told you I'm fine." He shook his head, but didn't say anything. The doctor started tapping hard on her back, looking for anything out of the ordinary. He wasn't finding anything, until he tapped one section in her lower back. Kathryn yelped in pain and accidently dropped her coffee on the ground in front of her. Chakotay was quick to grab her hand and move in front of her, because he didn't want her to fall. The doctor was quick to scan the area in question, asking "Captain? Did you land hard on your back recently?" She shook her head, as she couldn't say anything through the pain. Chakotay suddenly remembered something and told him "The only thing I remember is that she came home last night complaining of a sore back. When I asked her what was wrong, she told me that she had been in a jefferies tube with B'elanna trying to fix the power couplings. It was at the same time the warp core shut down and it sent the ship to a dead stop." She finally remembered and added "Oh yeah, I remember now...When the ship lurched I had just turned to ask B'elanna for a tool, and was thrown up towards the ceiling. The next thing I knew I had landed on my back...which was on top of my toolkit..." She turned to each of them and saw their facial expressions. Chakotay was worried yet angry that I didn't tell him that part, and the doctor was concerned. The doctor suggested "Captain, I think it would be best to replicate a back brace for you to wear while on duty, and resting off duty. Your muscles are strained, and your back is thrown out of alignment." Chakotay had quickly agreed, but asked the doctor if he could replicate it now and added "Because I know she won't leave the bridge today."

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