The Dark Cloud

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When the ship is hit with a plasma beam the ship suddenly goes into a free fall. Captain Janeway flew over the railing and the helm station, falling to the ground in pain. Lieutenant Paris pulled himself back up into his seat, while attempting to steady the ship. She tried to grab onto something to help her stand, but only managed to grab a hold of the helm control station corner, It wasn't easy, but it would last until Paris could stop the ship. Her grip slipped and Paris heard her cry out in pain. "Captain!! GRAB MY HAND!!!" He yelled out, while leaning to the side and reaching his hand towards her. She started to reach her arm out to him, dismissing the pain that roared through her body, but couldn't reach him.

Paris was able to inch his way closer to her, and finally grab a hold of her. He managed to haul her body so that she was leaning against the helm console. "SET THE IDF BASELINE AT 3-0-0 AND REINITIALIZE!" She managed to yell up to her helmsman. Within seconds the ship was upright again, letting Chakotay run to the Captain. "Kathryn? are you alright?" He asked, and motioned for Paris to go and retrieve the medkit. She let her head fall back, and he could tell she is in a lot of pain. Tom rushed back to their side, quickly scanning the Captain.

"Chakotay! We need to get out of here...Oh." She said while trying to pull herself off of the ground. "Captain, please stay down. We need to get you to sick bay." Paris coaxed her, signaling Chakotay to help keep her on the ground. She reluctantly looked up to the two crewman and said "Fine! Chakotay, lean down please?" He did as she asked, when suddenly she wrapped her right arm around his neck, but when she tried to move her other arm pain surged from the tip of her fingers and up to her shoulder. Tom helped her move it across her midsection, while Chakotay finally got what she was trying to do. "Are you saying you can't walk to sickbay?" He asked her, only receiving a grin and her head landing on his shoulder. His other arm cupped under her legs, giving him the chance to lift her away from the helm. They rushed towards the turbolift, and straight for the Doctor.

While in the turbolift she spoke "If either of you say one word about this, I will have you cleaning the warp nacelles with a child size toothbrush. Understood?" The both laughed, which they forgot would cause the captain pain. "Chakotay...please try not to laugh?" He dropped his smile, and told her "Sorry Kathryn. I didn't mean to cause you any more pain." Finally they reached sick bay and the lift doors, and they all rushed down the corridor and straight through the sickbay doors. "Computer, activate EMH" Paris yelled out, while helping the Commander lay the Captain down. She bit down further on her lip. The doctor appeared and was quick to call out "please state the nature of the medical emergen...Oh Captain! What happened?"

She tried to pull herself up, telling them "Tom, i'll be fine...Go back to the bridge and...resume course for the Alpha quadrant." Chakotay managed to keep her on the bed, but she kept trying to slide off. "Kathryn please stay down, and let the doctor help." He asked her, and she reluctantly flopped back down against the bed, waiting for the Doctor to come back. Tom told the Captain "The doctor will be back in two minutes, and i'll go to the bridge. Only since you ordered me to." She smiled up at him and watched him leave. "You're going to be alight Kathryn! I promise." Chakotay said while moving a strand of hair from her face. Once the Doctor came back, he told the captain "That free fall caused a lot of damage. Your arm is broken in 5 places, you have a ruptured spleen that is causing blood to pool in your abdomen, and you have a mild concussion." She was suddenly really nauseous and sprung up; spewing out blood onto the floor. Chakotay and the Doctor helped her keep her hair out of the way, and for her to stay up on the bed. Once she was finished the Doctor administered a sedative hypospray, causing her to fall limp into Chakotay's arms.

"Lay her down, quickly!" The doctor told him, while prepping the surgical elements. He got her all settled against the biobed. the doctor was finally able to begin surgery. Not once did Chakotay leave her side. The surgery took a bit longer than he thought it would, simply because he found that her lung was torn as well. Chakotay left her side for ten minutes because he saw Torres walk in, frantically asking "Is the Captain alright? What happened?" He stopped her, and led her into the doctor's office. "B'elanna she will be fine. You know Captain Janeway, and how she spends most of her time standing on the bridge. When the ship started falling, she flew over past Tom and he helped her to not hit anything." She let out a sigh, just as the Doctor walked into the room. "The surgery was a success. She will be unconscious for about two hours, but should make a complete recovery." They both took off running for the Captain's side; leaving the Doctor to his logs.

Two and a half hours passed when Captain Janeway started waking up, and Chakotay was the only one that was in the room. "Kathryn? Can you hear me? How are you feeling?" He asked as he watched her eyes start to open. "Hey there my love...I'm feeling fine...Just a little sore...and tired..." She said quietly. Chakotay leaned down and planted a kiss on her lips. At this moment in time, they knew their relationship was going to last.

The End

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