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An even more deadly Macrocosm than Before

Janeway and Neelix were in a shuttle on their way to rendezvous with Voyager after a peaceful trade mission with the Tak Tak, when Neelix came back onto the bridge of the delta flyer and noticed that the captain wasn't looking too well. He carefully walked up behind her, not wanting to startle her. "Captain? Are you alright?" He asked, and laid a hand down on her shoulder. She nearly jumped out of her seat, but let out a pained sound as she brought her hand up to her head. She slowly looked up, and could see the pure look of concern on Neelix's face. "Oh Neelix, I'm fine, just tired. Bella doesn't seem to think that night time means 'time to sleep' and is up most of the night" She told him, while slowly leaning back and rubbing her sore temples.

He walked back to the replicator, tapped some controls, and before grabbing the newly materialized materials he said "She'll get more used to it. I have to say to this Captain, that she is the cutest baby that I've ever seen...Well besides Naomi!" He heard her laugh and say "Well thank you Neelix..Chakotay and I think so too." He started making his way back to her side when she caught the whiff of coffee, and lurched forward emptying the contents of her stomach into a clear basin; which he assumed she replicated while he was packing the supplies up. When she was finished Neelix helped her lean back. "Captain, take a drink please?" He asked, helping her sip some coffee. She yanked the cup out of his hands, allowing her to down the rest of the nice warm drink. Neelix took this opportunity to slyly scan her, and saw that she had a mild concussion. He frantically asked "Captain? Did you hit your head recently?" She put the now empty cup down and responded "I was opening the shuttle hatch, but wasn't standing far enough away and it hit the side of my head." He gasped and asked "Why didn't you tell me?"

She looked into his eyes ready to talk, when suddenly the nausea came back and she doubled over relieving the coffee from the depths of her stomach. He was quick to hold her hair back until it passed. When it finally did, he was able to retrieve the medkit. "Captain, I'm not a medic, and I don't know what to give you. We need to give you something to stop these vomiting spells." She nodded her head, and spun around in her chair. That action proved detrimental when suddenly Neelix saw his captain falling towards the ground. "Oh my goodness! Captain? Are you okay?" He asked, easing her up, so that she was leaning against the console close by.

"Yeah, I'm fine. Just spun around too quickly, and got a bit dizzy." She said, bringing her hand up to his shoulder. "Neelix, help me up please? Let's get back to voyager." She tried to pull herself up, but Neelix was quick to push her back against the console. "Captain? Please stay down and rest for a bit. We won't get there any faster if you pass out on me." He told her while pulling out two hyposprays and asked her "Which one do I give you to help ease the Nausea and headache?" The captain let her head fall back before telling him "Both...The one on the left is analgesic for the headache, and the one on the right for nausea." He laughed as he brought one after the other to her neck.

Once both drugs were in her system, she started to feel slightly better. Neelix could see that his beloved captain was starting to look like herself again. "Now Captain, let's get you back at the helm so we can get you to the doctor." He smiled and held out his arms to help her get back on her feet. Once she was fully on her feet, she was in even more pain than before. Neelix managed to keep her on her feet, and pulled her closer to him. "Almost their captain. Just hang on, a bit further." He reassured her as they slowly made their way back to the helm seat. He helped ease her back into the chair, so that they could get back on the road. "We'll reach Voyager in approximately 15 minutes, Captain." He told her, while not noticing that she had closed her eyes.

When he finally looked up from his console he jumped out of his seat, and straight to her side. Tapping her cheeks he cried out "Captain? Come on, you need to wake up. Please?" Suddenly her eyes flew open and her body almost shot out of the seat, but Neelix was quick to pull her back. "Thanks Neelix. How long was I out for?.." He let out a laugh before telling her "You just set a course for Voyager and I was telling you how long it would take us, but you didn't respond. When I looked up, you were sleeping but I know that you shouldn't fall asleep til we get you to sickbay." She smiled up at her friend, when suddenly an alarm klaxon blared through the cabin. He sat down and told her "We're approaching the rendezvous coordinates." Janeway dropped to one quarter impulse, when she noticed Voyager wasn't there. When she initiated a long range scan, they found that voyager was holding position one light year away. She tried to hail them, but no response was coming through. "Well Neelix, let's hope that nothing bad happened."

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