Good Shepherd

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At the first briefing with the command team back in command, after they had welcomed their daughter Elizabeth Janeway, Seven was going over each department's "score" from her assessment. Most of the senior staff had a few things to say about their score, but the captain remained quiet. Chakotay had noticed her silence and waited until she dismissed them to approach her. "Kathryn? Is everything alright? You seemed awfully quiet, but our score was 'near perfect efficiency'" He knew she had something on her mind because she didn't even offer a smile at his impersonation of Seven. All she said was "They've never been on an away mission!" He gave her a confused glance, which she saw and continued "Mortimer Harron, Tal Celes, William Telfer...None of them!" Chakotay suddenly found the reason behind her spaced feeling. He pulled her into a much-needed hug, but before he could say anything, she spoke up "Is the delta flyer ready?" He knew what she had in mind, and responded "Yep! It's been cleared for a 72 hour away mission...Am I right in assuming you're going to bring the three crew members with you only?" She grinned up at him and hid a quiet laugh, before saying "You know me so well!" Before they went back to the bridge he said: "All I ask is that you be safe, and come home to me and the kids." She gave him a light peck on the lips, as they both went back to work on the bridge.

The next morning she found Tal Celes, and Ensign Telfer in the mess hall. He was trying to teach Celes how to remember the sequence. The captain couldn't help but interrupt and give the answer "It's Zero-G Is Fun...ZGIF" She noticed they were a bit confused, so she walked around to sit on the table in front of them and said "Zeta particle derivation, Gamma wave frequency, Ion distribution, Flow rate of positrons. Z.G.I.F. Zero G Is Fun. That's how you remember the sequence." They were very thankful for something that could help Celes remember how to do her job. She notified them that they would be leaving tomorrow morning on a survey mission, and to be ready. They reluctantly agreed but were so confused on why it was them going on this mission.

Captain Janeway made her way down to deck 15 so that she could deliver the news to one last crewmember. She didn't take into account that she hasn't visited deck 15 since she took the initial tour of Voyager 5 years ago. She stepped off of the turbolift and was instantly confused, so she just started walking straight. An ensign had almost crashed into her when coming out of a junction, and quickly stood at attention shouting out "Captain on the deck!" She watched as the two officers in her view spring up and away from their work. She gave them the signal to relax and return to their work but asked the Ensign about how she was doing. In her head, she knew she was lost down here, but didn't want to show it. Before the ensign could turn to leave, he heard the captain ask "Junction room 15?" He pointed her down the corridor, but she went to turn the wrong way and called out "Left, mam!" She offered him a smile, before heading on her way. When she finally finds crewman Harron, he is shocked to see her. He asked "Captain Janeway! Are you lost?" She responded, "I was...for a minute!.." She handed him the padd, and continued "We leave at 0600 hours from shuttlebay 1." Harron went on the defensive and mentioned that he didn't like to leave his post, but the Captain was persistent and gave him a direct order before retreating back to her bridge.

They left early that next morning, and everything was going okay but Harron was still not getting along with the other two. Celes and Billy were heading to the aft section to make lunch when Celes turned around and asked "Captain, would you like something?" Janeway smiled and told her that she could replicate her bowl of vegetable bouillon. When they left she tried to make conversation with Harron, but he wasn't very receptive. Eventually he decided to join the other two in the back, and left the captain alone on the bridge. The next thing she knew; a console started beeping. She went to check what it was, and found that it didn't show up on sensors. The shuttle started to shake, and she felt herself being flung against the console. "Aft section report! REPORT!" She called back, as she struggled to the helm. She only managed to sit in her chair for a few seconds before there was one final strong shake; knocking her out.

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