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Here is your chappy..! Enjoy..!


It was next day which was ready to bring another happiness into their lives. But right now in this 1 day Vaishu didn't talked to Abhi and there Sidd didn't talked with Avni not even gone to meet her. He wanted her to persuade, in short was troubling her while she was upset from herself only. She realized she wouldn't have said that and she was sure it hurt him. She also tried calling him but either he wouldn't pick or he would ignore. He was more than happy now not because he only got his love but also because he wouldn't have to stand against his brother who means family to him. Families knew everything about Sidd troubling Avni and was enjoying it too. Jannat was also involved in this plan. She was also enjoying it. There Avni wasn't discharged from hospital till now but was prescribed to get admitted for atleast 2 more days.

Right now she was sitting on her bed with bandage wrapped on her head so that the wound would not leak blood. She was looking tensed, not only tensed but worried too. The thing was Siddharth, her love who was not answering her calls which was making her more worried because yesterday when Vaishu visited Avni she informed that Sidd is not well. She wanted to see him in front of her eyes for her inner satisfaction which was making her restless. She was lost in her thoughts while Reem sitting on couch near her bed feeding Raj. Reem was also noticing Avni and enjoying when a thought came in her mind and she looked at Reem. She got confused seeing her smiling feeding Raj. "Reem Bhabhi.." Avi called out but she didn't responded. She was in her own enjoyment with Raj to which Avi rolled her eyes before calling her out again but a little loud this time. "Reemi..!". They both had a difference of 2 years but they both were best friends more than sister-in-laws to each other. Reem looked at her. "What Avi..?!" sounded Reem annoyed as Avi destroyed the moment which she was enjoying and the moment was Avi in dilemma. "Woh, Can I get your phone..?" asked Avi hopefully. Reem raised her eyebrows. "And why so..?" Asked Reem more teasing instead of questioning. "Err, I want to play game." Lied Avu as she didn't wanted Reem to know it maybe because she would tease her but she caught her easily.

"Com'on Avi, if you want to talk to Sidd tell clearly na that you are missing him." Teased Reem and Avi looked down. Reem was passing a teasing smile but it faded as soon as Reem saw Avi who started crying. Reem paced till bed cupping Avi's face. Reem realized that she said a lot maybe. "Hey, I was just teasing. Please don't cry like this." spoke Reem pleasing. Avi looked up as she wiped her tears harshly. "You don't know Reem what I am feeling right now. Please, please let me talk to him one time please." pleaded Avi crying. Reem didn't had any other choice than agreeing with her. "Okay, Relax, let me call him." said Reem as she picked the phone. Now her teasing was going to some other angle which she didn't wanted to. She dialed Sidd's number and it was ringing. After some rings the call connected. "Hello..!" Sidd's voice came from other hand. "Sidd, Avni is not well. She wants to talk to you." Informed Reem in a little low voice so that only Sidd could hear her. "Give her the phone." Ordered Sidd on the other hand. Reem handed the phone while glancing at Avni. Avu pulled it quickly pressing it on her ear.

"Avi..!" Called Sidd on other side as he heard her sniffing. "Sidd, I'm sorry. Please visit me once. I am not getting good vibes please." Pleaded Avi on other side worried for nothing in real but scared. "Fine, I'm coming. Calm down. Relax alright..?" Chalted Sidd and she followed his voice becoming normal and calm. "I will be there in 15 minutes. Alright..?" Informed Sidd to calm her to which she nodded before cutting the call. "Avi, I tell you one thing. You are so lucky girl." praised Reem caressing her hand pulling them in her hand. "How..?" asked a blank Avni confused. "You don't know how much he loves you that he got ready to leave his family but when you ordered him to not leave his family but you then too he didn't had any complain from you. Infact it was difficult for him but then too he is ready for it." declared Reem while stressing words in between smiling proudly while Avni was stunned after realizing Reem knows everything But how..? "How you got to know about it..?" asked Avneet curious as her heartbeat raised. She wondered that Sidd left her after whatever she said. Reem told her everything. Avni got scared and nervous and now she only waiting was for Siddharth who himself only can clear everything from which she is feared somewhere.

There Sidd was sliding stairs when his mom saw him coming down ready. She watched him as he came near her sitting beside her nervously. Knowing his nervousness she stayed quiet as she smiled. "Um...Mom, C-Can I visit Avni once..? She is not well and I-I also wish to meet her." requested Sidd more like pleading. Vibha smiles at him as she leans forward leaving a soft kiss on his forehead. "You don't need to ask me bacha. I also wanted to talk to you about something." spoke Vibha getting serious. Sidd nodded. "I want you to take me to Avni's home so that I can talk about your wedding so that I could see my son living happily with my daughter." declared Vibha smiling seeing Sidd getting exited. He excitedly hugged her as he swung her. "Thank you so much mom. Love you." spilled Sidd getting over exited as he kissed her forehead and he left jumping. Vibha wiped a tear which just slipped down her cheek "Today I felt like that old Sidd returned after years. I wish you could also see him this much happy." said Vibha with a weak voice wiping the tears looking at a picture of a man kept at a distance on TV stand.

There Sidd reached hospital. Before meeting Avni he ordered a soup bowl from canteen to deliver it in her room. Leaving the money on counter he walked upstairs and knocked the door of Avneet's room. "Come in" he heard the permission and he came inside. Avneet got happy but hesitated seeing him. Reem greeted him as soon as she turned to see him. "How are you Sid..? Someone was so curious to meet you." she teased Avni eyeing her. Avni narrowed her eyes on Reem as Reem left the place chuckling leaving the room with Raj. Sidd looked at Avni who looked down as she caught him glancing her.

He walked till her bed sitting beside her taking her hand in his large hand. "How are you now..?" asked Sidd caressing her hand. "Not good..!" answered Avni truly which faded Sidd's smile. "Why, what happened now..? Everything is like we wondered in our dreams." asked Sidd reminding her. "It's because you are mad at me." spilled Avneet in almost weak voice to which Sidd chuckled. "Who told you..?" confirmed Sidd smiling at her. She looked up meeting her eyes with him. "Umm..I felt like." answered Avneet in low voice to which Sidd chuckled. She got annoyed by his chuckling but didn't said anything. Noticing her change in features Sidd came a little closer leaning forward and they were just inches apart. "I can never be mad at such a beautiful girl with such adorable features." complimented Sidd to which Avni looked down hiding her red blushy face. Sidd chuckled again but later joined by Avneet too.

They both had an eye contact as Avni looked up. Sidd leaned more forward kissing her forehead passionately yet softly. Avni could feel his warm and breath on her forehead which sent shiver down her spine as she hitched a breath. She missed the warm as Sidd leaned back sitting down straight due to knock on the door. There entered a nurse with a tray in her hand containing soup and medicines. Keeping the tray at side table she guided how to take medicines , which medicine at what time and left informing about today's checkup and dressing. Sidd picked the bowl of soup stirring it with spoon while Avni looking at him smiling, adoring him but note without his permission while she was somewhere angry too at the wrong timing entryof nurse.



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Huh.! How was this cute chappy..?

Anyways, next will make you laugh for sure. ✌✌

Well, more cute scenes on their way.


Friendship Becomes Love|✔️Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora