23. So Friends..?

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Here is an early update as my exams will start from next week.😥😥
Abhi entered the room as they were close enough. Fainat pulled away as Abhi entered and kept a hand on his innocent grey eyes. " Sorry Guys..! Atleast you should have locked the door..." said Abhi smirking still one hand on his eyes. Faisu composed himself before saying "Its nothing like that Bhai..! We weren't upto anything..." cleared Faisu. Abhi removed his hand from his eyes. Fainat were confused seeing Abhi's eyes wide open due to shock. "It means you guys were upto something very important..." declared Abhi. "Oh God..!I am at wrong time. I would have come after knocking. How stupid am I..? Being a lover can't I think about your privacy. How foolish, stupid am I..?" Abhi started blubbering. Fainat tried to speak but couldnt because of Abhi's blubbering. " SHUT UPPP...!!" shouted Fainat at same time. Abhi paused and looked at them. "We were just discussing something..." cleared Jannat hesitated and embarassed. Abhi smirked and shook his head. "I believe you guys weren't upto something.."said Abhi smirking holding his arms. Faisu rubbed his neck in embarassement. Jannat also looked down avoiding eye contact.

"Anyways, I came here to ask if Sidd called you. I am trying from a long time and its going to be night but they aren't back.." said Abhi out of circle as he remembered. Faisu picked his phone from side drawer. "I will call him. Don't worry...!" said Faisu as he left the room. Jannat who was sitting also stood. Abhi and Jannat exchanged smiles. She was about to leave when Abhi called her. "Jann..!" she stopped as she heard his call. He turned to him before he started " Jannat I would be straight forward. I am sorry if it hurt you but I don't like your behaviour with Sidd which increases frustration in him. I hope you understand..." Jannat nodded to this as she realized her mistake. " Don't mind me pls.." said Abhi as he saw her face fell. "No Bhai you are right and I not only call you bhai but consider it also..." said Jannat proudly smiling. Abhi patted her shoulder and continued " I also wanna know about Avneet..I mean her background and family..." he was cut off by Jannat who said " She is orphan. She lost her parents at very young age. Many mishaps happened with her which broke her but believe me she is full of character..." justified Jannat to which Abhi smiled. "Thank you so much..." thanked Abhi to which Jannat smiled and left the place. Abhi was smiling to himself when he heard car horn.

He reached hall to see Siddharth and Avneet coming from car. As they both paced till Abhi, he started showing fake anger and started throwing questions. "Where were you both..?What took you so long..? Why are you late..? Don't you know Sidd I get worried for you yaar but no never care. Atleast Avneet you would have..." he was cut off by Vaishu who smashed his head to stop him. She was standing beside him. "You will never change Abhi.." said Vaishu annoyed. Sidd chuckled. Abhi rolled his eyes. " Do I have permission to speak..?" asked Sidd after a pause. " Ya tell where did you went...?" asked Abhi to which Sidd went quite. "We went to do some important work.." diverted Sidd which Abhi caught. "Sidd...!!" called Abhi eyeing him. " Relax Bhai it was not important though. I am hungry. Is the dinner prepared..?" asked Sidd changing the topic.

Abhi caught him but didn't said anything. "Chef is at its service. I made everything you would love.." said Vaishu excitedly with shine in her eyes. " Let's have dinner then.." said Sidd as he left with Vaishu chit chatting. " Come Avneet.." offered Abhi to which Avni nodded. Abhi left. Jannat went near Avneet and hugged her. Avneet who was floaded in tears broke down in Jannat's arms. Fainat calmed Avneet. "It's fine.." consoled Jannat.

"He...he stood up for me...He..he is fi..fighting for me..." said Avni in between her sobs. Jannat was taken back. Was she saying truth..? Means he came to knew about her whole life..Is it..? She aparted the hug with shock clear on her face. "Did he came to knew everything..?" asked Jannat to which Avni shook her head in yes. Jannat's happiness and guilt was beyond limits while Faisu was smiling as he left both alone for sometimes.

Avni wiped her tears and smiled at Jannat. Jannat again hugged her. Everyone was there on dinner table when Jannat and Avneet came. All completed their dinner silently and left for their rooms at night.

It was 11 of night, everyone was back to bed. Sidd was standing in his balcony thinking something deeply when there was knock on door which was not audible to Sidd as he was in deep thoughts. Jannat entered and saw him standing in balcony. She signed in disrelief and slowly paced till she reached beside him. She saw him not blinking his eyes. She kept her shaky hand on his shoulder which was jerked at him all of a sudden. He saw Jannat and signed in relief. "Sorry...I..I didn't noticed you.." said Sidd stammering. Jannat was taken aback seeing the arrogant jerk stammering. Was it real.?. "Are you fine..?" asked Jannat as she saw a tear escaping his eye which was unnoticed by himself.

Sidd just nodded showing the hard side of him which was not him The Real Him. Jannat decided to start a conversation. "I'm Sorry.." apologized Jannat all of a sudden. Sidd was confused. Maybe his ears ditched him..? " What..! What have you said..?" confirmed Sidd with a shock. " I was wrong. I shouldn't have judged you like that.." cleared Jannat to which Sidd chuckled slightly. " My behaviour was very bad with you. I got my lesson.." blamed Jannat herself while looking down. Sidd smiled a little listening and next moment his smile disappeared.

"I deserve it. Don't feel sorry.." said Sidd to which Jannat reacted quickly by saying "No it's not like that. Only destiny can decide who needs what and you don't deserve it.." said Jannat justifying. Sidd was just looking down. "It' s okay.." Sidd said and started walking back to his bed while feeling his head spinning. Jannat noticed something weird in his behaviour. She went near him and touched his forehead which was hot from normal. " You have fever Sidd.." said Jannat. "No I'm fine, it's just headache.." Jannat ignored him and handed him tablet from his drawer with glass of water. Sidd snapped his head up to look at her. "Have them..." ordered Jannat which Sidd obeyed quietly. Jannat sat beside him smiling while he was taking medicine. After a fight with brain and heart Jannat spoke "So Friends...?" said Jannat forwarding her hand. It took a while to think about it. Jannat's face tensed up but soon it curved into a bright because Sidd accepted her hand...

 Jannat's face tensed up but soon it curved into a bright because Sidd accepted her hand

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The End Of Chapter..!!

How was the chapter..?

I don't know when I will update now as exams are flying on my head.🤔🤔

Any Sidjann shipper..?>

How was blubbering Abhi..?😂😂


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