"Sorry" we both said unanimously.

She looked at me and thanked me for picking her journal, heading where she meant to go. I looked at her once reaching on the top of stairs. When she reached on the bottom, turned and looked towards me smiled and left. I too left keeping that smile on my face.

Today this was the only best thing happened so far.

Ava's POV:

It's Tuesday, I am sitting in my last period which is inorganic chemistry, which I hate a lot. I love Human Anatomy and Physiology, as it is all about the human body, it's structure and functions. It is an interesting subject.

Professor started giving checked test papers, which was held last week, calling one by one by there roll numbers. I was terrified as I am weak in this subject and my last test was as worst as all previous ones.

Professor called out my no. I got up and went to his desk. I was scared, that's an understatement, I took my test paper from him, it had 4/20 written in bright red ink under circle at top left corner of the paper. I was terrified.

I looked at professor, he was looking at me with sympathetic look on his face and stated,

"Ava, you need to work on Pharmaceutical inorganic chemistry a lot to pass this semester, otherwise your KT is confirmed"

"Yeah" I said lowly still shook with score, it was the least till date. I almost able to score 07-09/20 in previous papers but this was the lowest.

"I suggest you look for a tutor, as exams are almost due in one and a half month" he said looking straight at me.

I just nodded my head. I do not know who will be willing to tutor at such a small period of time, I mean everyone is busy to prep for themselves.

I went back to my seat and Lily saw my dull face, she took my test paper and was equally shook as I was. At least she scored 10/20.

Whole period I was thinking, who could tutor me, I started thinking of my friends, Lily and Kieth are not that good in this subject but good enough to pass this semester. Sean is little good among all of us but he's busy with his studies and new job like me. So he hardly gets time to study. I was so confused and frustrated what to do now, I don't want KT just because I hate this subject.

We are currently sitting in the canteen having lunch and getting ready for practical's. After completing our lunch we headed for the same.

After almost four hours we were done with our practical's, Lily was waiting for me near Locker, as per her text msg. I was exhausted and went to locker and dump all practical essentials and journals in it and we both headed straight to our hostel rooms. Sean and Keith had already left for there rooms as there practical's got over half hour ago.

Me and Lily were almost heading out of the college when peon came to us and looked at me saying

"Professor Moore has called you in his cabin".

I looked at Lily, she is mirroring the same expression as mine - confusion, than I looked at peon, nodding my head started heading towards chemistry lab as there's where his cabin is. Once I reached his cabin, I knocked at it first and once I heard 'come in', went in. He was sitting behind his desk with some papers in his hand, must be test papers. He saw me and told me to sit in the chair in front of his desk. Confused I sat down complying. Just as I sat we heard another knock on the door, after professors permission, someone entered the room. I was shook. It was Ace.

He entered and was equally shocked seeing me in there, later expression changing to confusion. Prof. told him to sit down. He complies. We both looked at Prof. trying to understand what exactly is happening.

"Ace, I checked your test paper, and I am impressed to see that you have scored 18/20 in it. Also I know you have been scoring good in chemistry since your first year. Now you both must be wondering why I called you here. Well, Ava is struggling with this subject a lot and is looking for tutor, and as we all know exams are around the corner, it is difficult to find someone who would willing to be one. So I want Ace you, to tutor Ava" he finished looking in between me and Ace.

We both were looking at Prof. shocked and than at each other. I was zoned out for few seconds, when I heard Ace clearing his throat and agreeing for the same.

"No problem Prof. I am fine with tutoring Ava" Ace said smiling, looking at Prof. and than at me.

I was still processing what is happening. Finally Prof. asked me whether I am fine with it. I looked at him and said,

"Yes Prof."

"Well that's it than, now you both can leave" he said getting back to his work.

We both got out of the cabin and I looked at him, he was already looking at me, smiling. Someone tell him to just stop that, he looks breathtakingly handsome. He took my phone which was in my hand and dialled his no. through it, saving it later.

"So let me know when and where to start, I won't be able to do it this week due to football match this weekend, but we can start from next week" Ace said looking at me.

"Umm will let you know" I almost stuttered.

He nodded smirking and than left for his football practice. I was still shook.

I am in my hostel room with Lily. I told her about tutoring part, she was patiently listening until she got to know my tutors name, she was shocked at first later shrieking excitedly, god someone tell her to calm down. He's just my tutor nothing else.

Thank you 😊

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