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No one's POV

It's been about 3 and a half months since the whole Austin fiasco and things are going relatively well.

Right now M/n, Katsuki and Mitsuki are sitting in the waiting room of the hospital waiting to be called. Mitsuki was sketching out a new outfit idea on her iPad while Katsuki was sleep in M/n's lap who was on his phone scrolling through Instagram. The two had gotten weird stares and rude comments here and there but M/n just flipped them off.

"Katsuki Bakugou?" "Over here!.. Babe time to get up" "mm..mm" "Come on Kat the doctor is waiting for us" "..." "Sigh.. alright up we go" The older male said picking the other up.


"Okay this is gonna be a little cold alright?" The doctor told Katsuki as she rubbed the gel on his stomach and placing the transducer on it soon after.

"If you three can look at the monitor.... you can see your babies-" "Wait babies?" "Yes babies. You are having twins." It was quiet for a few seconds "...Oh gosh.." M/n spoke before fainting "Oh hell no" "Now I have two grandchildren to spoil... The universe has blessed me! Wait! What are the gender?! Tell me the genders!" The doctor sweat dropped at the situation in front of her before speaking up again "They are both healthy looking females." "Best. Day. Ever!" Mitsuki screeched like a school girl who just got noticed by their crush. "This is a nightmare."


"Okay I'm gonna go this way and you two can do whatever" "Me and Kat are gonna go get some food we hadn't ate since 7 this morning" "Mhm let's meet back here at 6, hai?" "Hai."

Katsuki's POV

When me and M/n reached a nearby food place in the mall he went to go order while I went to go find us a place to sit.

A few minutes later while M/n was still in line I was on my phone with my head resting on my hand but I really wasn't paying attention to it, instead I was thinking about what it would be like having two brats instead of one. I was not mentally prepared for this shit. 'I could have probably been okay with one, but two? TWO?! I'm not gonna get a wink of damn sleep' I was so deep in my thoughts I almost didn't catch M/n calling out to me

"..uki.. Katsuki.." I turned around to be met with his face close to mine "WH- Why the hell are you so damn close?!" "You were spacing out, are you okay? You've been relatively quiet ever since we came back from your appointment" "... I was-"

"Hey is that Bakubro?" 'Oh gosh please don't let that be who I think that is' "Yeah I think that's him! Bakugou!"

"SHIT" I quickly laid down on the seat so they wouldn't see me "Kat.. what are you doing?" I mouthed at him telling him to shut up

"Ayo Kacchan!" 'Well shit.' "We can see you Y'know" "No shit moron"

"Where have you been bakubabe?! You haven't been answering any of our text or calls! Where have you beeeeeeeen?!" Raccoon eyes practically yelled hopping over the table and shaking me "Stop shaking me damnit!"

"Forget that, have you been cheating on us with that- that.. why hello there papí~"

M/n slid away from soy sauce face before speaking "um Katsuki? Who are they?" "Sigh.. Meet the idiots I've been talking about"

Upon hearing that M/n's expression changed from a blank one to a more happier one. "Any friends of Katsuki are friends of mine!" "Their not my friends dumbass.." the idiots looked at me before hair for brains spoke up "You sure this is him? He's very..." "Quiet.."

"Yup that's him. The doctor wants him to try to stay as calm as possible, to not raise his blood pressure." "Why? Is he Okay? Are you hurt?" "..he didn't tell you?" "Tell us what?"

M/n looked as if he were asking permission to tell them, I just shrugged before taking a bite out of my spicy tuna onigiri

"Bakugou? What's going on?" Soy sauce face ask looking at me worried along with the rest of the morons. "Nothing is wrong with him. He's just pregnant."


Me and M/n covered our ears from their yelling since they were basically right next to us. "What the fuck idiots?!" "Babe calm down-" "BABE?!" "IF YOU DON'T STOP YELLING IN MY DAMN EAR!"


"Wait so you never did have a girlfriend?" Dunce face asked "That's what the fuck I said." "Hell yeah! I'm going to be a auntie! Do you know the gender yet?" "Girls. He's having twins, we just found out today" "Awe!"

"Wait I remember you! You're that guy who took the school's pictures the other month!" "Heh that's me" "Sooo Kacchan why didn't you introduce us to your boyfriend?" "Maybe because it's none of your damn business dunce face." "Harsh man.." "And you idiots better not tell a fucking soul about this or ima rip all four of your heads off." "Relax Bakubro we won't tell anyone"

"Whatever." "Well me and Kat have to go, we still have shopping to do." "Oh okay! Maybe we can hang out sometime! Bakubabe can give you our numbers!" "Sounds cool. We'll catch you later."

After me and M/n finished talking we started heading to a baby store. "They seemed nice!" "Their okay I guess"

Oof- I'm not sure about this chapter but eh
Anywho You just met the rest of the bakusquad and they love you, as they should 😩
But anyone have any name suggestions? I'm bad with names.
If there are more than 2 names that I like I'm going to put them on a wheel and let it work it's magic.


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