About M/n

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Name: M/n Aizawa

Age: 18

gender: Male

Hair color: H/c

Eye color : E/c

Height: 6'0

Sexuality: Bisexual

Skin color: s/c

Birthday: Dob

Personality: M/n tends acts cold sometimes around people he doesn't know or doesn't get good vibes from but around people he has known for long enough he can be chill a little playful and clingy. He doesn't cry much but when he's really happy or when he can't hold back his tears he will cry.

Family: Shota Aizawa/Eraserhead (Dad)
Hizashi Aizawa/Present Mic (Pops)
Hitoshi Aizawa (Younger brother)


M/n and Katsuki have been dating since after the provisional license exams, no one knew this except Hitoshi. Their relationship wasn't really a secret- well on Katsuki's it was. He thinks it's not really any of their business while M/n has this thing, where he shouldn't have to tell his business if he doesn't want to or in his parent's case, if they don't ask.

M/n never really wanted to be a hero, it's not that him being quirkless had anything to do with it, he just would rather take pictures. On that note M/n is a very famous photographer and lives in his own penthouse (which I will show in a future chapter) and somehow makes WAY more money then your average photographer. But he still goes to the family house sometimes usually once or twice a week. 

He was adopted by Shota and Hizashi when he was 7 y/o but didn't warm up to them till he turned 11y/o but is more close to Hizashi, he has some trust issues due to his past, but that's for another time.

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