Alcina pressed her lips together. "Nothing. Don't worry; I'll see to it that Daniela gets her lunch today. I'm going to leave now," She dashed to the door and locked it as she exited the room.

Clementine cocked her head and shrugged her shoulders at Alcina's actions. She completed her dinner and slid it back into the dumbwaiter. She proceeded to the bathroom to brush her teeth, then to the dressing room in the little sewing area, where she had been spending her spare time.

"Time to do magic again!" She exclaimed as she sat down in front of the sewing machine.

This is exactly what she's been up to for the past few days. She was working on a woman suit for Alcina that she had drawn in one of her designs. She would continue working on it whenever the woman left the room. She has finished the pants and blazer; her only issue now is the top, which she struggled to fit because of the specifications. Because she hadn't told Alcina about her secret project, she took measurements of the mannequin and some of Alcina's outfits in the hopes that it would fit.

Clementine inhaled deeply and began working on the top. She was ecstatic to finish it today and show it to Alcina later. When she heard voices nearby, she abruptly stopped using the sewing machine.

"What do you mean she's not in the castle?" It was Daniela's voice.

"It's only my assumption i'm not saying that she's not in here." Ingrid answered.

Daniela crossed her arms. "I'm positive she's somewhere around here."

With a raised eyebrow, Bela approached the two of them. "Grandmother is looking for you, she's in the living room."

"She's here? I thought she crossed the barrier?"

Bela shook her head. "She just got back today, and guess what, she's with a girl."

"A girl?" Daniela let out a gasp. "Do you think that's her girlfriend?" She giggled and covered her mouth.

"I'm not sure. Mother is already there, and she instructed me to go get you and Cassandra because you're the only ones who haven't arrived yet," Bela took her sister's wrist in hers. "Let's go."

Clementine held her chin after hearing the conversation. "Grandmother? Could that be Mother Miranda?" She asked herself.

Bela and Daniela entered the living room, which was occupied by Alcina, Cassandra, and Miranda. A woman with orange hair sat beside Miranda, dressed in a white polo, brown slacks, and knee-high boots, her hair wrapped in a high ponytail with a handkerchief.

"Grammy!" Daniela said running towards Miranda.

She hugged the woman who kissed her cheek in response.

"I missed you too, darling." Miranda said.

She pulled away from Miranda's embrace and switched her focus to the woman sitting next to her. Daniela went to sit down beside Alcina and Bela sat down beside her.

"Finally we're all complete," Miranda gave a smile.

Miranda wasn't dressed in her priestess robes. She was dressed similarly to the woman next to her, showing her long blonde hair, which she usually conceals.

"What brings you here, Mother Miranda? I mean it's not that I don't like the surprise visit but the castle is rather messier than usual. Renovations are still going at the moment." Alcina remarked.

"Girls, I know you're interested about who this wonderful woman beside me is," Miranda said as she held the woman's hand with a broad smile.

"I knew it. That girl is her girlfriend," Daniela spoke in hushed tones to Bela.

Behind the Castle's Door [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now