The Next Stage: Protect The Camp (4)

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It wasn't until Izuku and Jirou were deep into the forest that Izuku got a ringing sound in his head and he stopped, immediately whipping his head around to look everywhere.

Jirou was about to question his actions when she smelt it, "There's smoke, somethings on fire."

That's all that was needed for Izuku to release her hand and activate Hawks wings and soar into the sky easily, and the sight made him pale. Something definitely was on fire. It was a giant portion of the forest engulfed in dark green flames.

He focused and could feel OFA opening up to him as grabbed a hold of the quirk he needed right now. Once he did he sent his thoughts out wide.

"Everyone!! It's Izuku! I'm using Mandalay's Telepathy quirk!" His thought voice scattered wide to all the teachers and the students and he saw Jirou react to it below him.

"Everyone! There is a good chunk of the forest engulfed in a green blaze, and a formation of a gas tornado, so take precautions!!"

Izuku ended the alarm and then dropped down to land next to Jirou when his head rang again, "Izuku! I tried to locate Kota but he won't answer! Please can you find him!"

"Don't worry Auntie," Izuku responded back with her quirk, "I'll find him, and protect him."

The conversation ended and Izuku felt his body hum as he grabbed Jirou to his chest and took to the skies again with her holding on tight. He then felt a light prod to his head and saw an unfamiliar man flying next to him.

"Hello, Number 9, I'm Shinomori Hikage, i was the fourth holder of One For All." The man introduced himself.

Izuku raised an eyebrow, then looked down to see that Jirou didn't notice the man. "So only I can see you it seems."

"That's correct Nine, you are the only one who's able to see me currently."

"So why now? How am I able to see you?"

"One for all is evolving Nine, and you along with it, so I gave you my quirk."

Izuku was constantly using Search while flying and got a ping that let him know where Kota was so he started to pick up speed, feeling Jirous hands grip his shirt some more.

"So is that the reason I'm constantly getting a ringing in my head?"

The ghost nodded, "Yes, my quirk is Danger Sense, quite self explanatory."

Izuku nodded as he got a ringing in his head and he looked down to the mountain area, exactly where Search had placed Kota. He immediately dipped down and landed softly and let Jirou out of his arms.

"Kota is here, but so is something else." He told her, which made her plug her jacks into the ground and start listening.

"Ninth, there's something on your mind isn't there?"

"Yeah, if there's any possible way, can the quirk..."

"Split multiple ways and be held simultaneously?"

Izuku nodded discreetly, and saw the ghost think for a second.

"It could work, if both parties were willing."

"Good, because I have a feeling something is going to happen."

The next thing that happened really made Izuku want to curse the world, because Jirou signaled him to the running footsteps coming closer, and the heavy footsteps that followed afterwards.

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